Chapter Twenty

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The next couple of days seemed to go by in a blur. Sam began moving his belongings from his apartment into our house when he could find the time. Work was uneventful, to say the least. I found time to speak with Noah about his offer and decided it wasn't the best option for my family and me. I really did want to go to college, but I put my future plans on hold when MaAshtyn was born.

The other day, I heard Ashtyn call Sam daddy, and it made me cry tears of joy. We never pushed for her to call him that; we waited for her to decide. They were outside, and she brought him a bug excitedly, asking what it was. The five feet it took her to get to him, she chanted daddy over and over. When she went down for her afternoon nap, he insisted on talking to me about my stance on her calling him daddy. I assured him that I was completely okay with it, as long as he was.

We planned a little backyard barbeque for this coming Sunday for both our families to meet everyone officially. His mom keeps calling to ask if there is anything else I would like her to bring, but I keep assuring her that everyone wants to get something. My mom is fussing over the food as well. Both moms are driving us crazy enough; Sam and I just gave them each other's numbers and told them to discuss it together.

Tonight is a Friday night, and Noah has decided to host a karaoke night over hiring a live band. I got dressed in a pair of bootcut blue jeans topped with a lilac tank top trimmed in white lace. I pulled on my boots and placed my cowgirl hat on my head when Josie came in the door. "Look at you... One hot momma." Josie sang as she looked at me. I smiled, gave her a quick update, and headed out the door. I drove the forty-five minutes to work, listening to the radio and enjoying the breeze coming through my windows.

When I got to work, I did my usual routine of opening up the tavern as Hudson walked in and began stocking the bar up. "I have a feeling it's going to be a busy night," I told him. "The Kellys are having a rehearsal dinner of some sort this weekend. Sam is happy he had our family barbeque on Sunday as an excuse to not have to attend the party."

"I do not envy Sam in the least bit," Hudson grunted as he placed a case of beer on the counter to empty into the fridge.

As soon as we were ready, I flipped the open sign over. Our usual locals came in and left at average pace. By eight, the karaoke DJ arrived and set up. "Charlotte, why don't you sing us something. You know to show us how it's done." Declan insisted.

"Declan dear, did you forget that I'm working. I can't just stop and sing a karaoke song." I explained.

"It'll be three minutes tops; you can do it." Declan pressed with a smile.

Noah came out of his office and nodded in agreement with Declan. I rolled my eyes and made my rounds delivering drinks. I stopped at the stage, told the DJ to put on a song. I chose Shania Twain's 'Any Man of Mine' and began to sing it. When it was over, I stepped off the stage and headed back to do my rounds. The whole time, all the customers swooned over how well I sang the song.

Sam walked in as I was finishing my song and grabbed my arm as I walked by him. He spun me around twice, then held me close. "I love when you sing." He whispered as he crushed his lips to mine. "How's it going tonight?"

"Nothing big yet. The night just got started." I replied, giving him another kiss before moving away from him.

He found a seat at table three and was later joined by Will, Ricochet, and Jaxon. I delivered drinks and food to them all night. At ten o'clock, Sam looked at the time. He waved me over, "I need to close out my tab, please."

"Come on, man, where do you need to be on a Friday night at this hour?" Jaxon asked him.

"I need to get home. My girl is waiting on me."

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