Self indulgence

427 8 4

Update: This will be gender neutral although the lemon scented chapter's will have a different experience 💕

Fanart is mine❤

Well I'm getting my hair dyed green

I will be playing fnaf security breach on YouTube this next Saturday @5pm PST Time hope to see you there but uh yeah enjoy this self indulgence fic/warm up? xD
Music blasted from the speakers as children ran around the playground in fits of giggles you sit on a bench watching your sibling run around with one of the helpers, they had a sun with a crescent moon for a face he had a bright smile and colorful striped puffy clothes.

Sundrop you think his name was? He was the knew attendant for the daycare due to being short staffed on actual humans, though there were rumors about the animatronic glitching out and scaring children during nap time. You figured it was just some annoyed parent making up stories for some god awful excuse to shut the place down, after all not everyone was on board with the whole 'have a robot babysit children' though the animatronic did pretty well considering.

You sigh softly as you rub your eyes tiredly, you did stay up late last night reading fanfiction only to have your parents rush you to take your sibling out to the concert. Closing your eyes you wonder if your ship will ever become canon.


You hear some feet shuffling across the floor, smiling to yourself you guess its your sibling getting ready to scare you, but little did they know you were prepared.
Suddenly an overly excited voice rings out startling you in the process. "Hello there new friend! Are you lost?!" Backing into the bench you rub your eyes furiously, you were not prepared for that! Sundrop stood smiling down at you as he tilted his head curiously. Clearing your throat you cautiously ask "Where is everyone?" the animatronic chuckles as he waves his hands in the air "Why they all left with their parents of course!" he announces making you raise a brow. Left? But your sibling should've told you....
Gazing up at Sundrop you ask "What time is it?" he smiles softly before answering "Twelve o clock-" he looks at you curiously once more and inquires "My you sure are up late! Are we having a slumber party?!" stunned by his sudden reaction you wonder if he can even understand what you meant. After all he is a animatronic.

"We can finger paint, tell stories and drink fizzy faz until our head EXPLODE!" Sundrop exclaims with a chuckle. Sighing in defeat you answer back "Uh, Sure? But only for a bit." You promise.
"Oh goodie!" he shouts in excitement before grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards the slide your sibling went in hours ago. Glancing at him nervously you voice "Are we going in there?" he chuckles and answers back in delight "Yes!"

Your eyes go wide in excitement as you run past him and go down the slide hear a stream of laughter behind you as a swarm of colors surround you until you're met with more colorful plastic.

Red and green splash around you as you make your way over a rainbow bridge only to be stopped by a cool metal hand. "New friend! The glitter glues that way." Sundrop informs as he points towards a small play area, nodding slowly he leads you over to the craft section as you sit down he gathers up some different colored paints, paper and glitter glue with googley eyes? Shaking your head in amusement he plops down next to you dropping the supplies in the process.
You end up painting some weird animal thing, after all mama didn't raise no artist.

Sun drop sneaks a peak and looks on in amazement as he drops his- well art? His painting seemed to be him surrounded by children? Or was that dolphins? It was hard to tell. "You're really good at this!" he exclaimed smiling bright.

Chuckling at his response you try to correct him, "Sundrop I'm no artist." He suddenly leans in close to you as he inquires with doe eyes "Really?" flustered you nod adverting your gaze. When he does retreat back to his spot he announces "I'll be right back!"
Nodding you watch his figure go out a door and wonder if you could sneak inside the playground, after all being old its almost impossible to step foot into a jungle gym as huge as this without being judged.

Five minutes pass and as you turn a corner you see Sundrop return he looks confused before it turns into worry. Watching him move around the room frantically you see him trip over some wires causing the lights to go out.

You hear some pained groaning and watch as Sundrop falls behind a desk before a hand grips the edge, curious and a bit frightened you try to get a better look only to see animatronic with a moon shaped face and starry pattered clothes. A rough voiced chuckle rings out sending shivers down your spine "Naughty boy. Naughty boy~ It's passed your bedtime" suddenly his figure fades into the darkness and you quietly make your way into enclosed plastic tubing. Your heart pounds in your chest as that dark voice replays in your head, suddenly you hear feet thumping.

Frantically you crawl away and find an opening, a small three foot drop debating on doing do you hear the thumping get louder and closer. Swallowing thickly you carefully jump down and run towards the ball pit a small light illuminating from the ceiling as stars "Bad people must be found~ Bad people must be punished~" a dark chuckle rung out as you trudge through the ball pit feeling around for the slide you took down.

When the cold plastic touches your finger tips you let out a sigh in relief. If the rumors are true then its better to get out of here ASAP! "There you are~" your blood runs cold at the sound and metal hands pick you up roughly as you kick and thrash against their hold on you. Suddenly he pulls you close and whispers darkly in your ear "You must be punished~" he coos making your cheeks flush.

Before you know it he brings you back to the playground and pins you down on the colorful mats, red eyes gleam in mischief as he leans down to your face.

Your eyes widen and in the moment of it all you peck his nose, he blinks slowly before looking down at you. His curious gaze making you nervous. He leans down and suddenly you feel cool metal touch your cheek, his eyes watch you as you blush mustering up the words to speak. "moon drop, um- may I please go?" you ask quietly feeling his grip tighten around your wrists. "Naughty~ Naughty ~ You must be punished before leaving so soon." He coos heaving you over his shoulder and jumping to the time out station and placing you there before watching you with a father like stare.


When the lights turn on your blinded for second before a metal hand reaches out and Sundrop hurries you out the room exclaiming "Your family is here!" he announces you quickly turn around to face him and embrace his figure tight, a moment passes until you feel arms wrap themselves around you back and just as you hear your sibling call for you sundrop whispers softly in your ear "see you soon..." next thing you know you're outside large castle like doors gazing back in wonder and curiosity, you were debating to come back here even for a little while.
That was until your sibling ruined the moment whining about wanting fizzy faz....

I apologize if there were any mistakes in this and I almost made this lemoned

but decided lets do fluff first and opened so if anyone wants it lemoned up let me know? xD

Y/N story with Sundrop/MoondropWhere stories live. Discover now