With unresovlved questions

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Nicole awoke from her nap, she layed in bed thinking about what had happened a few hours ago,
was freya really like that? nicole thought she was enough for her
nicole was dissatisfied with every answer she had
a sudden knock came from the door
suddenly a buff ass maid walked in, she was like a 7ft frame
"miss nicole breakfast is being served"
nicole surprised to see that the hulk was working as a maid
"I'm not hungry, can u get the frick out u tortoise"
"it's not a request it's an order, its specifically from master freya, I wouldnt keep her waiting"
the hulk maid left the room shaking the ground as she moved her feet further away
nicole hurried down, but she fell down half way down
she fell and slammed into each step like a silly flamingo
when she reached the last step she was greeted by two beautiful pair of blue bulbs staring back at her
"that's a cute way of going down the stairs"
it's that girl she saw yesterday, she sat back down across freya from on the dining room table
"oh shit" nicole realised she looked goofy infront of freya
she quickly hurried to sit down but she fell over the ugly rat dog that freya owned, nicole
now going red
sat down next to freya and sat there waiting to make a move
freya just sat there on her phone, still as ever
it was a dead silence until that gorgeous girl spoke up
" so you're nicole it's a pleasure to meet you" the beautiful and amazing girl said this with a warm smile
" aha no omg the pleasure is all mine and yes I'm nicole, you are? "

nicole unsure of the situation replied to this perfect girl, waiting for freya to speak up

" I'm talia, I've known freya here for a long time now, she seems like a grumpy sock but she'll warm up trust me" natalia spoke with a delicate tone, (just perfect obviously)
all of a sudden freya knocked over a glass staring at nicole while she did so
the hulk maid came over started cleaning up when freya stood up, chair falling behind her dramatically
" your so goofy nicole, why did u even come down stairs? u stink" freya spoke in a harsh tone, eyeing down nicole as if she had murder on her mind
"u-um ur maid told me to come down, saying u told m-"
before nicole could continue freya slammed her drink on the table and walked towards nicole
"that's not my maid u filthy mug, that's my cousin"
freya was practically cutting into nicole with her gaze
nicole was so confused, she thought she was in a wlw fanfic that's how confusing it is
"idk cosplay or something, but how dare u come down stairs u peasant"
freya was shouting at this point
she was for sure, a great gas lighter
freya out of rage spat at nicole and walked off, todling like a kid because her stalion stamina was not the best this morning

nicole cried, she dropped and cried as the hulk maid cousin? cleaned up the mess
natalia, the only perfect thing left in the room came over and comforted nicole
"it's okay she just has some issues to get through, I mean she is a shinne after all"
natalia then took nicole by the arm and led her back to her room, mostly to not fall over again like a cow
nicole felt abit better, knowing there was someone there for her during this black plague moment in her life, she was like a resistance to it all, (kinda hot too lmao)
"natalia, why are u doing this?"
"cuz ur filthy and you have spit on ur clothes" natalia pulled out a gorgeous dress for nicole, it was worth more than organs on the black market combined
"we are going to go out and get boba tea cuz I'm so fetch after my morning sesh with freya, just make sure you brush ur teeth cuz ur stinky" natalia gave nicole a warm hug before going to go bath in bleach
"thank you" nicole said confidently as she gazed at the beautiful dress

nicole had not left the house since she had been sold off by her milf mum, she never enjoyed her time at home her mum would just force her to make tea all day and now
despite being in the situation
she just wants to get tea
nicole had gotten changed, she looked beautiful, like a sunset that's always gazed upon before she brushed her stinky self she heard a knock, they guest came in

it was Joseph Morgan
" what are u doing he-"
Joseph cut nicole off being doing cartwheels towards her
" nicole u need to listen to me, natalia is not who she seems to be she-"
Joseph spoke frantically as if he was gonna cry before nicole interrupted
" omg shut up Joseph shes kind, sweet beautiful, she has silky dark sweet hair, she has beautiful blue bulb eyes and bunda, how is she not the person I think she is, if u want to help, go give us a ride to town"
this is the most furious nicole has ever been


it was later into the day, nicole and natalia were linked in arms as they held their boba tea and window shopped through the market, they had good laughs, nicole found out more about natalia and why she is where she is today, nicole felt understood, she felt trust and happiness for once
" hey I need the bathroom can you wait for me?"
natalia gave a quick smile with the question before running off
nicole sat on the nearby bench, the view was amazing, she fancy rich part of town was amazing she couldnt help but feel no regret in being sold off and leaving her family behind, in fact nicole is abit of a sociopath (and just doesnt give two shits about peoples feelings like mine when I decided to open up and give it a shot but nooo she warned me so it's fineeee)

she was enjoying the view but suddenly she remembered what Joseph was saying or atleast what he was going to say before nicole interrupted him but maybe
just maybe nicole was thinking, she should have heard him out after all but those thoughts quickly vanished when natalia came back and they continued their journey

with unresovlved questions

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