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"I just... I want to know why and how?" Inko asks, Izuku sat across from her, his costume still on his body.

"In that order, or?" Izuku asks, Inko giving him a stern look in response. "Sorry. I uh, I make jokes to deal with the pressure."

Inko let's out a sigh, letting her arms rest across the table as she leans forward. She looks at her son, and notices the little details her mind ignored when he came home. His height was lanky, but his muscles shaped out well, showing strength in stores. His eyes took in the whole room, and possibly even more, with how sounds and smells could make him react in new ways as well. And his teeth... She didn't want to think she was seeing things, but here Izuku was, sporting a pair of fangs, that held just the slightest tint of green at their tips.

"Izuku... What did you do to yourself?" She asks, and Izuku's eyes shrink.

"What?! No no no no no no no!" Izuku shakes his hands and head, giving his mother a very worried look. "This, this didn't happen on purpose. It was an accident, it..."

An interior exhibition at the island. Izuku reluctantly dragged along by his new friend Melissa. Glass walls housing spiders, lizards, octopi, and many many more animals.

A janitor cleaning up shattered glass.

A stinging sensation in Izuku's hand. A slap in response. A dead spider on the ground.

A spider with a tattoo reading 'SM-3-2099'.

Dizziness, dorm, pain, sleep. Wake up, taller, sharper teeth, hyperactive senses...

Stuck to the ceiling.

"I didn't go to I-Island wanting to become... This." Izuku says, gesturing to his entire body. "I went there because... Because I wanted to get away from Musutafu. From Aldera, and Heroics, and... And I wanted to get away from you."

Inko is taken a bit aback, as Izuku lowers his head.

"All my life, I just wanted you to say... To say that I could do something. To say that I could get into a fight and come out okay, say that I could go to the park without needing mace and be okay, or even pick up a broken plate and be okay. I... I wanted you to look at me and not see me as lesser just because I didn't have power." He rubs at his arm, looking off to the side, a little hurt. "I went to I-Island to escape all my worries and learn how to make stuff that would make it, make me, okay in your eyes."

Inko watches as her son, her baby boy, jumps up onto the ceiling, sitting down and crossing his legs. "When I got these powers, I... I wanted nothing to do with them. Let them fade into the back of my mind and focus on learning so I could make you proud." He looks at her, and her mind wants her to see her boy at four years old, dressed up in his All Might onesie. But her heart keeps her in the present, focused on her son dressed in a costume of webs and casual attire, blood on his cheek, and eyes puffy with tears. "But when those villains raided the island for two days, and I saw those heroes captured... I remembered what dad said about Quirks before he died."

Inko takes a breath, as she remembers her late husband.

Hisashi smiles, patting his son on the head.

"All these heroes with their fancy powers... They forget the true weight of their lives. They ignore the little people, and bask in the riches and fame." He says, crouching down to look his son in the eye. "But the everyman, you and me? We see the people who hurt. The old woman struggling to cross the street, the kid hurt by bullies on his way home, the local grocery store worker who struggles to feed himself because their store just got robbed. We see them and emphasize with them, because we know the struggles they go through. Heroes and people so wrapped up in the excitement of that world always forget an important lesson, Izuku. Do you know what that is?"

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