Hokori Eiichi

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Name: Hokori Eiichi

Gender: Male 

Relations: He was originally Shigaraki and Dabi's child but they did not want him so Suki adopted him hence his name. Suki- Father   Haru-Uncle   Hana-Aunt   Denji-Boyfriend              Ajara- Step-sister

Sexuality: Gay

Quirk: Dust fire- His left side lets him manipulate and produce fire while his right side when touching something with just his pinky and thumb it will turn to dust. Sometimes but very rarely he will be able to combine the two parts and whatever he put on fire burns then turns to dust.

Quirk Drawback: His hands are always flaky and he gets burned a little if he uses his fire for too long.

Looks: At the top

Personality: Cold to most people and honestly just kind of dark. He doesn't like other people except for Ajara and Denji. Sometimes he's ok with his dad Suki. 

Hobbies: He enjoys burning things down and eating wild animals. He also enjoys going on trips with Ajara and Denji even though he never admits it. He enjoys baking pumpkin items and sleeping. He also smokes sometimes.

School: Doesn't attend school currently, he is a college dropout.

Age: 24

Birthday: Sept. 14

Height: 5'7

Friends: Ajara his step-sister and his boyfriend Denji (In my universe Denji and Hokori are dating in RP they are just best friends.)

Childhood: Doesn't remember anything from his childhood except for knowing Shiggy and Dabi are his real parents. They had him and didn't want to take care of a child. Shigaraki was friends with Suki so he gave Hokori to Suki.

Job: Assassin 

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