Wedding dress

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     I sat there in anticipation. She was in the dressing room, just a white cloth closing my sight of her beautiful body. I began to feel weird. Butterflies emerged in my stomach and I was smiling so much. We knew that it was called bad luck for the groom to see the dress before the wedding but I insisted that I come with her since her mothers flight to Korea was delayed and my mother was sick so instead of letting her come alone, I offered to come with.

"Almost done dear?" I asked her.

"mhm." I heard her response. Then she pulled the curtain back to reveal her in a beautiful white dress. I softy gasped. She looked so beautiful. Her hair complimented the dress which hugged her body perfectly at her chest and stomach. At the waist it blossomed into flowers and spilled around her. She smiled at me, a soft pink tugged at her cheeks.

"I really like this one." ______ said as she smiled down at the dress.

"You look..." I stopped. What was the correct word I could use to describe how amazingly beautiful it fit her. How breathless I was just looking at her. "You're going to kill me at the wedding." I said with a smile.

"Is that suppose to be a compliment?" She asked confused yet she chuckled.

"Yes," I took her in my arms. "I'm going to drop dead with just the sight of you. ______, you look like the girl I've pictured in my head when I thought about getting married. A girl exactly like you." I said smiling.

She blushed and looked down.

"Thanks." _______ pulled away and brushed the dress out.

"Here you go, wear this." The lady who worked there placed a small veil on her head. The lady fixed it so it would wall down gracefully over _______'s perfect body. ________ looked at herself in the mirror.

"Oh, Joon. This has to be the dress." She smiled.

       I felt completely happy inside. She looked so... breath taking. I wouldn't be able to describe how happy I was with words. I stood next to her and looked at her again. I took her hands, turned her towards me and looked into her eyes. "Thank you ______." I said.

"For?" She asked.

"For letting me marry a girl as amazing as you. Girls like you, ________ only come once in a lifetime. I'm so happy that you set your standards so low for me. I could never compare to you and your perfection. I know you had so many guys after you, but instead you chose me. Thank you." I kissed her cheek.

"Joon, you're talking crazy. You're amazing and I never set my standards low for you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." Was she actually saying these words? Or was I, just imagining all of this? I looked at her, her clear brown eyes read nothing but honestly.

I sighed and nodded.

"So.." She turned towards the mirror again. "This is the one.." She smiled and nodded.

     I smiled and sat back down as ________ went back to change. I couldn't get rid of my smile, it was like it was glued to my face and wasn't coming off anytime soon. Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to live with the pain, since it looked like I wasn't going to stop smiling anytime soon, thanks to her.~

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