Chapter 46.

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"As you can see," Talise stated as Rav, Camila, Dorian and I walked up to her. "I needed help in bringing the tools here. You guys have met Landon. He's the friend of the mechanic I told you about."

   We still exchanged silent hand waves.

   Landon's eyes sailed across our frames as he greeted us. I caught myself just in time from frowning in confusion when his stare returned to mine, remaining unmoving this time.

"So Beth, are you going to be the one who tells me what exactly you need all this for?" he quirked his brows with a smile. "I owe the mechanic one for getting this welder for you, yet Talise won't say a word. Don't you think I've earned something at least?"

"How do you know it's mine?" I fired back with a question of my own.

"You're our big shot inventor. Always been." He shrugged like it was a known fact. "And we all know Ridgeton High lost a gem."


   Although those words were said without a single hint of flattery, their effect was anything but. Landon was the only Ridgeton student—aside Talise of course—to say something positive in relation to what I was good at and me leaving my former high school.

   Many of my schoolmates and even teachers never took a liking to the fact that I'd leave some of my recreations in my locker, bring them into the lunchroom or drag them through the halls on certain days. I bet they were secretly glad that that weird girl with her even weirder machines (their backbiting words, not mine) was not a part of them anymore.

   But Landon, who had never even gotten to meet me in Ridgeton High since he moved away in Year Seven, not only remembered what I did, but acknowledged it. In a good way.

   I wondered what else about me he remembered. About us, for that matter.

   Especially those years ago when we— wait...what was I doing?

"It's a school thing," I said, trying not to squirm under his baby blue eyes that were way more intent on me than before.

   Oddly enough, I couldn't seem to look away.

"Did I introduce myself?" Rav eventually snapped me out of my daze as he stepped between us with his hand held out. "I'm Rav. I don't think we were able to properly meet at the party since I was... indisposed."

   I guess 'high as hell' was taken.

   Landon appeared bewildered by the out of the blue intrusion, but recovered almost instantly. He put on a cordial smile as he took Rav's outstretched hand in his. I was on the verge of sighing in relief at their awkward handshake coming to an end, when my nerves were suddenly startled at the feeling of something being thrown over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at Rav, who stood beside me, his deadlock grip of an arm now over my shoulders. "Take your arm off right now!"

   Landon glanced toward the position we were in, centering his stare around Rav's arm. The sharpness of his jawline became more refined as he swallowed.

"Okay, then." He turned to Talise. "See you in school, tomorrow."

"We have a meeting during lunchtime the day after tomorrow, don't forget." She told him.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He grinned, shifting his stance to me and the other three once more. "Bye, Beth and Talise's friends. See you around, Beth."

   He didn't wait for a response before walking away. I nevertheless whispered a silent goodbye of my own, my eyes lingering on his back for a little while.

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