Chapter 99.

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   The grey, shiny metal that had the hybrid features of a gun and taser was pressed into Dorian's side. I couldn't tell whether the weapon had a sharpened tip but the sporadic flinches from Dorian when it dug deeper into him drove my imagination wild.

   Looking the wielder of the weapon and Dorian's captor in the eye, I made sure to maintain nothing but stoicism in my features. Knowing this person who I thought was my friend now, they would probably mock me for any display of hurt from this shocking betrayal.

   That, however, didn't numb the piercing pain which could only be triggered by the same person who previously caused the opposite emotion with the same intensity.

   And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, the traitor had the audacity to yell,

"The antidote is on Dorian! He has the cure we have to get rid of!"

"Thank you, Landon," Mr. Speck released a relieved sigh. "My patience can only get me so far. I was seriously this close to snapping. I did not see this coming, I'll admit."

"Landon," I noticed how Rav's eyes stayed trained on the weapon digging into Dorian's back as he said a small, pleading voice unlike him. "L-Landon, please don't hurt him. P-please don't hurt my broth–"

"SHUT UP!" His forehead was made less attractive by the vein that protruded on it. "Nobody move! I mean it!"

   For some reason, Dorian's pain-stricken face took my memories back to the time when Landon showed up the day after Talise's capture. Dorian had mentioned that we couldn't trust him, but did I listen? No.

   But then again, how the hell was I supposed to know that Landon was a traitor. Honestly, the more I thought of it, the more confusing this unexpected alliance was.

"I know what you're thinking, Beth," Landon said, "How? Why?"

"Thanks for saving me the trouble of asking." I nodded, giving myself a mental pat for how composed I sounded. "Now answer the damn questions."

   Preferably with answers long enough for me to figure out how to get Dorian out of your grasp.

   The moment Landon opened his mouth to speak though was when the emotional floodgates I'd been confident were shut burst open. The words I blurted out were loaded with unleashed rage, "You know what, hold that thought. What the hell is wrong with you?! We trusted you. I trusted you when no one else wanted to! Why will you choose to work for him? You know his plans for Zavlon. For the world. You know what happened to Talise!"

"Let me take the reins on this one," Mr. Speck chipped in. "You see after your idiot friend–"

"Talise," I gritted my teeth. "Her name is Talise. And she's the smartest person I know so I'd think twice before calling her an idiot, idiot."

"Your friend wasn't as subtle as she thought when she sent Landon the message," Our principal droned on. "After a little digging, I was able to track him down and meet him on that very day. Unlike the rest of you, Landon understood my vision right away. He didn't hesitate to go to you guys the next day and be my eyes I needed until now."

   My gaze flickered back to Landon. His grip on Dorian was firmer than ever. My brain was still flooded with questions of how this unlikely alliance occurred. Was he invited to Zavlon? Did Mr. Speck take him to the tunnels and show him the numerous students under his control? Was that what attracted Landon? Did seeing Zavolonians trigger some sick rush for power?

"So what did he tell you?" I found myself asking Landon, my voice getting louder with each word. "What could he possibly have told you for you to join him?! Tell me, Landon! What? Tell me right now!"

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