Chapter 12

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Calum's POV~

"We've been trying to get a hold of Beatrice, but no one can find her right now Sarah. I'm so sorry." I said as I gripped her hand softly.

"I need to talk to her." She gasped.

"I know you do. I know."

One month, 10 days earlier~

Sarah's POV~

"Sarah Sarah Saaaaraaah!" Harry jumped around in excitement.

"What is it?" I chuckled softly.

"I showed Ashy what you showed me on the drums and he was really proud! He said I was great!" He rejoiced "Is that so."

"Shut up. Anyways, I came by to tell you that One Direction is coming by, well, Harry, Liam, Niall, and Louis are. Zayn wandered off somewhere." Ashton explained, shrugging, still embarrassed.

I sat up from my position on my bed, considering it was 9 in the morning.

"Why are you guys up so early?" I whined.

"Because the boys are coming by. Plus, everyone else is awake, but you." Ashton said before I heard his and Harry's steps recede.

I groaned as I pushed my aching body out of bed and painfully made my way over to my closet. I changed into the only pair of clothes that was in there.

Hurriedly, I made my way downstairs, as I heard everyone's voices there.

"That you Sarah?" Mum called.

"Yeah Mum!" I called back as I gripped onto the railing as I descended the steps.

"Easy there." Luke said meeting me at the bottom of the steps as I slid my sunglasses on. "THey're all in the living room, no need to rush." He chuckled softly.

"I'm just excited to see the boys." I pouted. "I haven't seen them in ages. Is Anna here too?" I asked.

"Yeah, she is actually! She just got here, soon after the 1D boys did." Luke said happily and I smlied widely. 

"I haven't seen her in ages." I sighed. "Now can we go in?"

"Yeah," Luke chuckled. " Come on." He said before softly grabbing my arm and leading me to where everyone was.

"CC! Babycakes!" I heard Louis' booming voice as he hugged me.

"Hey there Lou." I chuckled softly as I pulled away from him, patting his shoulder.

"Sarah!" I heard Harry's voice say before I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Hey there Hazza." I said, pulling away before quickly being pulled into another hug, lifted off the ground.

"Sar!" Niall's voice greeted.

"Hey Nialler!" I laughed nervously. "Put me down."

"Sorry." He said as he put me on my feet.

"Where's the couch?" I asked, shuffling my feet nervously.

"Oh sorry Sarah." Luke's voice said before grabbing my arm and guiding me to a couch, sitting me down.

I groaned as I slid the sunglasses off of my face, rubbing my eyes tiredly, before opening and closing them a few times.

"Woah woah woah. What happened!?!" I heard Liam exclaim. I moved my eyes around a bit, squeezing them shut for a moment before opening them again.

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