Coming to an Agreement

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A/N: Time moves faster in Hueco Mundo in my story. Don't know if its true or not in the original bleach. So 1 year in the living world = 10 years in Hueco Mundo.

~Sixty Years Later In Hueco Mundo (6 years in the living world)~

I kneeled in front of my father's holding cell. My gaze towards the ground as if standing before royalty.

"Haha, why do you kneel before me, little cub? Raise your head and stand tall." My father's deep and slow chuckle shook the sandstone walls around us.

He lay in a prison in the sandstone mountains. Father was placed here years ago by a soul reaper named Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

He won't tell me how it happened. But he says that Yamamoto is a strong, respectable soul reaper. And that they are mutual friends, so I am to treat him as such.

However, even though he won't speak of it, I knew that they had fought. And father must have put his all into it, as  his hollow mask was adorned with a long and gagged scar that went from his left ear to the right side of his neck. I knew it hurt, since a Hollow's mask is their weak point. And to have it scarred so deeply and not break, I could not imagine what transpired when the two fought.

I've never met Yamamoto, and I do not want to. I hold a certain level of resentment for the soul reaper. After all, he put my father in a prison cell and even put him so close to death.

The sand seemed to agree with my father's command as it blee into my face, as if say, "yes, stand tall!" I do as I was told, standing from my kneeled position and face my father. His red eyes glow with satisfaction as he watches me from where he lay. "What news do you bring today, little cub?"

"The lower level hollow have been acting strangely the past few weeks. At first I thought nothing of it, but lately it has been getting out of hand. Usually I would see a great number of hollows, but now it seems to be the reverse."

A serious look appears on his face as he spoke. "Yes, I've noticed that as well."

As if to make a point, the wind blew through the desolate mountains, making a high pitched sound to fill the silence.

"There is also an alarmingly large number of higher level hollows gather together."

Father's eyes widened in shock before returning the their seriousness. "Hmmm.... that is indeed very strange."

I have no idea as to why all of the hollow are acting like this. It is concerning to say the least. "Has Yamamoto-san visited? Maybe he knows something."

"No. However, I suspect that he will be visiting very soon." Father then turned to look to the left of me.

I turned to look where he fixed his gaze to see two traditional Japanese sliding doors appear out of thin air. I got into a defense position in front of my father; my hand on the handle of my sword that was strapped to my back. And my other hand stretched towards the ground, willing the sand to gravitate towards it shaping into an orb.

I heard father's muffled chuckle emit from behind me. "Calm down, little cub. There is no need for that."

I didn't release from my stance at his words. If any threat has come for my father, then I will kill that threat. My glowing red eyes narrow at the doors as they slide open.

When they completely slide open, they reveal the soul reaper Yamamoto himself. Even so, I stayed in my defensive stance.

I hear my father stretch as he spoke. "Ah, speak of the devil and he shall appear." Father then sat as he smiled at the soul reaper. "What do I owe this pleasant visit, Yamamoto?"

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