Stealth Mission

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Finding the base was as easy as I thought it would be. It's hard not to notice the sudden abnormal spikes of high level spirit pressure so clustered together. To be fair, not many hollow know of my father or I's existence. Or maybe, Aizen did know and was trying to bait us out. I could think up theories all day, but it wouldn't matter because I don't really care.

I have a goal to achieve, and I will achieve it. No matter what.

All I had to do to pinpoint the exact location was to find a rather high leveled gillian and wait. Eventually, a higher level hollow appeared looking for a fight. Predictable behavior as always.

Their appearance did surprise me a lot a first. The hollow was large, but not the biggest I've seen. But the hollow has a human-like form. I've never seen any other hollow have one beside myself. Instead of the basic hollow skin, this one has tan skin. It also has a powerful build with large muscles and a ridge-lined cranium. It has brown eyes instead of normal hollow eyes. It also has black hair, long, bushy sideburns, and a thin ponytail reaching it's upper-back. Aside from that, it was bald.

But when I could get a look at it's mask, that was when I became incredibly shocked. This hollow.... didn't have a complete mask. I touched my own mask at the thought.

How was that possibly? I've never seen such a think. Father told me that it is impossible to take off our mask without dying in the process. So how did this hollow succeed?

It feels wrong to be able to see under a hollow's mask. And under this hollow's mask is a human face.

It has orange eyebrows, and red markings under it's eyes. The hollow is also wearing some strange attire. It wore all white and it's clothes are outlined with black. It is wearing an open top and it's pants seem to be similar to mine. The hollow also has a sword attached to it's hip; the handle wrap and sheath are a dark burnt red color. The sword was a decent size, one that looked to suit the hollow best.

The hollow has a large hole located in the center of it's chest, signifying that this being is indeed a hollow.

What remains of it's hollow mask is the jawbone, which rests on it's chin. I could vaguely see a tattoo of the number 10 on the hollow's left shoulder.

What was also interesting was that this hollow seemed to be able to hide it's spiritual pressure. Which means it has had training. That must have been why I couldn't directly find the base myself.

Luckily, I am also trained, father taught me well. I can also hide my spiritual pressure and appear almost invisible. Father made me practice for months while hunting me down like a predator looking for fresh meat. He was merciless and relentless. And because of that, I had practiced to the point where I could hide my spiritual pressure even in my sleep. So there would be no possible way this hollow, or even this Aizen guy, could sense me near them. Not even if I was standing right behind them.

The half-masked hollow easily killed the gillian with a few simple hand-to-hand combat techniques. Nothing exciting, but the hollow kept going on about random things like: "Ulqiorra think'in he's all that!" and "I'm the strongest arrancar here!"

I understood that the hollow was now throwing a temper tantrum. How unsightly. However, what I was most interested in was the little bits of information the hollow was angrily spouting out. Like the name Ulqiorra; He must be a higher ranking subordinate or maybe a rival teammate. And what is an arrancar? Is it a type of vasto lorde? I'll have to find out.

After killing multiple gillian, the..... arrancar.... led me back to it's base, as predicted. Aizen should have kept a better eye on those he commands because now, I know where he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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