Chapter. 1

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"Here man, try this. It's a new type of weed," his friend slurred to him as he came up to him.

Calvin grimaced, "No thanks man, you know I stay away from any sort of drugs. I can't risk having anything in my system. Besides testing is happening tomorrow."

"Suit yourself," his friend said as he moved to the dance floor to dance with a girl.

Calvin shook his head and grinned, his friend was ridiculous. As he was staring at the dance floor a girl sided up to him. She put her hands under his shirt and caressed his abs. "Hey handsome, can I show you a good time?"

Calvin grinned down at her, "You know it baby, let's go."

The girl giggled and he led her up to a room. The girl pushed him onto the bed and than undid his pants and slid them off. She licked her lips and lowered her mouth down on his hardened shaft. He groaned in bliss as she worked him, moving her mouth like a pro. He came in her mouth and she swallowed it all. "Damn, you have a hot mouth. Why don't you show me what else you can do?" Calvin grinned.

The girl smiled and zipped off her dress. She grabbed her purse putting it on the bedside table and grabbed a condom from it. She put the condom on him and than climbed on top and lowered herself. Calvin closed his eyes as he sank into her tight heat. She moved up and down and he brought his hands up to her breasts, alternating between pinching her nipples and massaging them. The girl moaned in delight as she grabbed something from her purse and put it in her mouth. She than lowered her mouth to his and kissed him. He opened his mouth wide and their tongues met in the middle. Calvin suddenly felt some sort of pill enter his mouth but was too engrossed in her tight hot body that he barley paid it any thought. The pill dissolved and it was forgotten as he enjoyed the sensations the girl was giving him. His mind started to get foggy and his eyes felt heavy. He finished in the condom and pushed the girl off him. 

"You need to go, I don't feel so good," he muttered.

"Fine, you weren't that good of a lay anyways."

"Just go," he groaned as he closed his eyes and woke up to his friend banging on the door.

"Dude, you need to get up. It's testing day."

Calvin groaned as he opened his eyes, "Why the hell do I feel like shit?" 

He showered, dressed and went to pee in a cup expecting it to be just like all the other times. However that was not to be the case. Calvin's dreams of heading to the Olympics for another gold medal were shattered when he tested positive for steroids. Despite him saying it was a mistake and explaining what happened the night before the testing, it made no difference. The banned substance showed up in his system and that was that. No second chances were given. The news of his disqualification hit him like a tidal wave, washing away his years of hard work, dedication, and passion. His parents were horrified initially but once he explained what happened, his dad, pissed at the unknown girl and at the league was determined to get all this sorted out and get him back on the team. They finally came to a solution and tried to keep it under wraps but regardless the media storm blew up and it became a shit storm.

So thus Calvin found himself at a small university, far away from the bright lights and grand stadiums he had once called his second home.

The university was an unassuming place, nestled amidst rolling hills and a quaint little town. It was here that Calvin was ordered to teach swimming to a motley crew of beginners. He felt a mixture of frustration and resentment. How could he, a former Olympian, be reduced to teaching a bunch of amateurs? But he had no choice. That was part of the agreement his parents and the league came up with. Calvin was to teach for a year at this school and do weekly testing. If he tested negative for the year, he would have a chance to get back on the team. Calvin knew it was only because of his father that they even gave him a choice. His father was well respected and feared. No one wanted to get on Brandon's bad side. 

On his first day, Calvin walked onto the pool deck with a heavy heart, feeling his golden dreams fading behind him with every step he took. He tried to muster up some enthusiasm for the task at hand, but the weight of his disappointment sat heavy on his shoulders. As he strolled around, his eyes fixated on the different individuals scattered across the pool, and stopped at a petite girl.

"Well shit," Calvin thought to himself as he gazed at the black haired beauty. She took the water out of her hair and shook it around cascading around her shoulders and over her breasts. His eyes skimmed her tight, fit body. He felt himself grow hard and shifted himself around trying to hide the tent that was starting to grow. "I'm a teacher, I can't be getting boners for students," he groaned to himself.

Her eyes lifted to his and she smiled and he felt the air go out of him. But she suddenly glanced away as she turned around to look at a guy. "Mine," he growled as the guy came up to her. He shook his head, "Snap out of it, she's too young. I'm 24, and she looks barley legal."


Addison was an 18-year-old freshman at the university, who had signed up for swimming on a whim. She had always been drawn to the water, finding solace in the soothing embrace of its depths. Today, however, her focus was diverted by the appearance of a tall, well-built man with eyes that reflected a hint of melancholy.

Calvin and Addison's eyes met for a fleeting moment, an instant connection forming between them. It was as if the universe, in all its mysterious ways, had conspired to bring them together. Intrigued by the aura of mystery that surrounded Calvin, Addison couldn't help but be drawn towards him.

Addison felt like fanning herself. She knew the new teacher was checking her out and she used it to her advantage. He was hot and she wanted him even though it was against the rules. Their eyes met and she smiled at him falling deeper into his spell. She turned around at hearing her name called out. She smiled sweetly at Josh. Josh was her first friend here and they have been solid ever sense. He was one of the few guys not trying to get into her pants.

"Okay listen up everyone. If you are on the swimming team get over here otherwise get out," she heard the new teacher speak. The students dispersed as Addison made her way over to him.

HIs eyes scanned the crowed briefly stopping on her before moving away. "My name is Calvin Maddox. For those who haven't heard of me, I'm an Olympic gold medalist in swimming and due to an unfortunate misunderstanding I'm stuck here for the year. I might not want to be here but I promise to do everything I can to make you win. I refuse to train losers, only winners. Practices will be hard and tough. I won't go easy on you. If you think you can handle it great, but if not, get out of here and sign up for cooking class or something. Any questions?"

Addison glanced around at the students, no one moved or said anything. Addison was about to put up her hand when Calvin started speaking again.

"Good, practices will be 5 times a week. Times are posted on the bulletin board and if you need any extra help, sign up and I can schedule extra time for you." 

With that he turned around and walked out of the room. The students all looked at each other.

"He's intense," one guy said.

"I think he's hot," another girl said, "I would let him teach me anytime."

"He's a teacher, he's off limits," her friend said.

Addison just rolled her eyes listening to the chatter. He was gorgeous there was no denying that but chances of him hooking up with an 18 year old was slim to none. She knew it was pointless to even try. She glanced at the clock on the wall.  "Shit," she muttered, "I'm going to be late." She quickly went to the dressing room to get ready for the next class pushing Calvin Maddox out of her head.

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