Chapter. 2

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The weeks went on as Calvin whipped the students into shape. He was unrelenting with his practices. He pushed them to their limits but also knew when to slow down. As much as he hated being there, he wanted them to succeed because succeeding meant higher likely hood of getting back on his team. A few students signed up for extra practice and Addison was one of them. Calvin knew he was attracted to her but refused to dwell on it because he didn't want anything getting in the way of him getting back to where he belonged.

Despite trying to keep his distance,  Calvin's interactions with Addison became more frequent. He enjoyed being with her. There was something about Addison that made him feel at ease. As their conversations deepened, so too did their attraction. Time seemed to fly whenever they were together, their laughter and banter filling the air with a lightness that Calvin had not experienced in a long time.  Their sessions started going from purely professional to something more, a blend of swimming techniques and stolen glances.

As weeks passed, Addison's skills in the water improved exponentially. She was delighted with her progress and was determined to continue to push her physical limits, not just in swimming but also in resisting the overpowering attraction that pulsed through her veins whenever Calvin was near. 

One evening as they progressed in her swimming exercises, the tension in the air became electric. Every stroke, every movement, seemed to be laced with innuendo and unspoken promises. Addison's heart raced with anticipation every time Calvin's hand brushed against hers. As they finished her swimming routine for that night, and Calvin got out of the pool, Addison's resolve began to crumble. She couldn't bear another moment of denying the passion that surged through her veins. She gathered her courage and took a deep breath before finally speaking up.

"Calvin, I can't fight this attraction anymore. I need you. I want you."

Calvin turned to face her, his eyes dark with desire. He understood the torment they were both experiencing, but he also knew the consequences of succumbing to this attraction. "Addison," he whispered, his voice laced with the hint of a plea. "We shouldn't. We can't. It's too risky."

But Addison was relentless. She climbed out of the pool, reached out and gently traced her finger along Calvin's jawline, her touch sending shivers down his spine.

"I don't care about the risks," she said, "I want to explore this connection between us."

Calvin's resolve crumbled at her words. He took a step forward and took her face in his hands and lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss that followed was a mix of desperation and longing, fueled by weeks of unspoken desire. 

"Addison," he murmured as he moved his mouth to her neck and his hands gently moved up and down her body.

"Calvin, I need more," Addison whispered as she moved her hands to his stomach enjoying the contours of his abdomen. 

A noise from outside the pool room made them move apart. Calvin swore as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Addison I'm sorry. I shouldn't of kissed you."

"Sorry? I'm not. It was amazing and I want more of you."

"I'm in a position of leadership. It's wrong on so many levels."

"So wrong it's right?" Addison quipped back as she moved towards him moving her hands to the bulge in his swim trunks. 

Calvin closed his eyes in pleasure as he relished in the feeling of Addison's hands on his shaft. "I want to, so badly, but I can't. I'm sorry," he finally said as he took her hands off him. "I don't think we need to do anymore private practices. You have improved so much. I'll see you in class." Calvin quickly turned and walked away. 

Addison sighed in sadness as she watched the only man to ignite such feelings inside her walk away. She knew he was right but damn it, they felt so good together. While having a shower, Addison resolved not to give up while at the same time Calvin was taking a cold shower using his hand to give him temporary relief as he erupted with Addison's name on his lips.

Calvin stuck to his word and only interacted with Addison at practice. He could see the longing in her eyes but refused to acknowledge it. He was thankful the swim meet was coming up, something for him to focus on. Addison put her energy into training. It was challenging to not look at him and think about how good he would feel inside her. She planned that if she got gold at the swim meet, she would make a move on him. 

The day of the first swim meet was here. Addison was super excited. She felt ready to win despite having nervousness coarse through her body. Not only would her parents be in the stands, a certain teacher would be watching. She desperately wanted to impress her parents and Calvin. Her heat was called and she stepped up. She was competing in the 400m Medley Relay. She took a deep breath and waited for the horn to sound. As soon as she heard it, she went into the water and focused fully on doing good strokes and good speed. She ignored the other racers and focused on the end. As soon as she touched the end cheers erupted. She looked at the scoreboard and was happy to find herself in first place. Addison grinned broadly at Calvin as she got out of the pool. He grinned back as he came over to her.

"Congrats Addison, it was a very well done race."

"Thanks Calvin, it was all to your teaching."

"Yeah, well, congrats again," he said softly and went to congratulate another student. 

Addison followed him with her gaze, smiling inwardly at the butterflies in her stomach. Even after all this time, her feelings for him never wavered. Her focus was interrupted by her parents coming over. 

"Congratulations Addison, glad to see you not embarrassing the Reyes name," her dad said.

"Yes, congratulations," her mother echoed, "I still think it's ridiculous you are doing the swimming thing. And you're still single. I think you should stop swimming and focusing on finding a husband. It's bad enough that you wanted to go to university."

"Mother," Addison growled, "Stop that. You agreed to let me finish my degree here. We had a deal."

"I know, but I found the most perfect match for you. He's perfect."

"Stop, I'm not interested. I thought you wanted to come to watch me, not berate me for my decisions."

"Your mother is just worried Addison, after all you are our only child. Heir to everything I have. Besides, I need someone to take over the company and he fits the bill," her father said.

"Yeah, I know. You never let me forget that I'm not allowed to take over even though I'm your only child."

"You know a man has to take over. It's been that way for generations. I see no reason to change it now," her father replied.

Well, thanks for coming. I have to go though," Addison said as she forced a smile and turned away heading to her group as they waited for the medals to be handed out. As she was waiting, Calvin came over to her.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, "I overhead a bit of your conversation with your parents."

"I'm fine thanks," Addison replied. He glanced down and Addison could feel her nipples harden at his glance as his eyes darkened with lust.

"I'll talk to you later," he quickly said as he turned around and went to the first parent he saw trying to calm his shaft down so it wouldn't be noticeable. The intensity between them was getting too hard to ignore. Cavin knew what was on the line and nothing would stop him from getting back onto his team.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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