~You Can't Leave Me Here~

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   (OC info: Lydia is Stefan and Damon's little sister, but when Qetsiyah erased his memory Lydia took it the hardest.)
I vamp- speed into the cabin, and see the witch, Stefan, and Damon. Damon's on the floor with a broken neck. I seen the witch move her hand and the next thing I know everything's black.
~Time Skip~
I wake up on the couch Damon telling me he and Stefan got into an argument, and well his memories were erased, she's been out for 2 days. Stefan is staying at Caroline's. I go over to Caroline's house and knock, she lets me inside. After I'm in I walk straight over to Stefan. I say with my voice cracking, "S-Stefan?" His head darts up and squints at me confused. I try and make him remember me, but that ends up with his getting agitated, and tries to leave. I say, "Please!! Please!! You can't leave me here! Please remember!! I'm Lydia your little sister!! I taunt you, and I tease you, and I make your life miserable, but you love me anyway!!" Stefan stops but when she says her first word. Her voice cracked at least a dozen times and has tears running down her face, as well as Caroline. "You're everything I wanted to be. I'm jealous of how- how smart you are, and how k-kind you are, and how- how nice! Please don't leave me here!" Lydia continues sobbing. She starts to fall to her knees, but is caught by Stefan. "I'd never leave you." Stefan says. "Look I don't even know who you are... But I believe you." He finished and hugs Lydia. They sit on the hugging and Lydia telling him about their sibling relationship, and Lydia needs up falling asleep on Stefan.

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