Part 2, Chapter 15

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Sky took in the cloudy sky. It was a dull, dreary morning in the Highlands. After the troubled events of yesterday, she had decided to stay. The monstrous white birches didn't bother her anymore. Actually, she was begging to like being outdoors, the feeling of damp soil on her hands.

Rubbing Trickle's little head, she gazed ahead. She still couldn't understand exactly why Zuri had talked to her after knowing what had happened between her and Jai. The first thing she had done after her conversation with Zuri was rushing out of bed to see Jai. Even if she dismissed it now, the feeling of guilt she had felt when she reached his house, had gnawed at her all night.

The two archers outside Jai's house had sighed audibly when they spotted her but had opened the door regardless, following her inside.

She found Jai groaning in pain as a healer bandaged his bare back. The healer had stanched the blood and she could tell Jai had gotten some stiches. Now, he was applying a green concoction that smelled of leaves and sap. For a long second, Sky had feared the worst. Jai's back was a tapestry of scratches and open scars, dried blood and wounds.

"Can you assure me you can see like before?" The healer asked.

"Yes, I can. My eyes stung after the blast but it has passed now. I shut them tight, and the explosion didn't last long. It's just my back that..." Jai gritted his teeth to keep himself from groaning again.

"You are a very lucky boy. If it had been your head hitting the sharp edge of the table..." The healer tied the last bandage in place, rising from a bench. He saw Sky and narrowed his eyes, showing her how unwelcome she was here.

Jai lifted his head and gave her a small smile, although it was so weak, Sky could see all that hid behind it. She felt so bad. And it wasn't just guilt that prickled her skin. It was something that cut her deeply like a sharp knife. Something that hurt just as badly as Jai's bloodied back. For the first time in a long time Sky was afraid.

"I... I came to..." What had she come here for? In that moment, she realized the real reason wasn't important anymore. Jai's eyes shimmered in contrast to his sallow expression. His lips curled up like she had brought with her the sun after a gloomy day. Sky felt pathetic for not knowing what to say. She had come here with the words poised on her tongue, waiting to be heard. So, what had changed?

Jai tried to lift his weigh from the floor, but the healer stopped him, bringing a hand to his shoulder.

"He needs to rest. I think you've done enough, Miss Glassiel." He said firmly.

Rage replaced all Sky's good intentions. The fat, wiry man had her name wrong. And she wasn't here for Jai. She had a very pending matter to discuss, something that couldn't wait. "I only came to tell you that our agreement stands. I'll help you in exchange for information but you have to promise me that neither you nor your archers will kill anyone in the castle unless it is absolutely necessary. Unless they present a threat. And you will not kill Queen Acantha. Let me deal with her."

Jai's face broke like glass. Sky wasn't sure if it was because of what she said or because he had thought she had come for him. Sky couldn't take that possibility. Jai had just collapsed against a wooded table. He could be blind because of her light magic. And still, instead of hating her, he seemed happy that she was here.

"You have my word, princess." He rasped, his eyes not leaving hers. But the way he said it... Sky felt something crack inside.

"That was all. I hope you recover." And she had turned around and left.

Sky was not proud of it, not really. She, Sky Daring, the confident princess of Cloudiness, running away from a decision she had made. Why did this have to be so hard? She didn't regret it but...

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