
154 9 16

TW: Cursing, implied abuse, small aregument, hospital mentions, murder mentions

Virgil's POV:

Janus and Zariah make direct eye contact in silence for a good ten seconds before one of them ends it.

Zariah very quickly leaps forward onto Janus, hugging him tightly. He looks taken aback for a moment, but he warms into the hug eventually.

When the girl pulls away, she sighs. "I may not like you all that much, but, you're all I have left of her."
She sniffles slightly.

"And, I'm all you have left of her too, so, we.. uh, we need to get along."

Janus thinks for a moment, then he replies. "Fine, yeah. Only if you apologise for always stealing my socks whenever you slept over."

"I don't recall ever doing such a thing." She smiles, turning on her heel and sitting down, followed by Janus' playful gaze.

Remy walks back into the room from the kitchen, where he was making more tea for the two that have just arrived. When he places them down, he looks out the window. "It's getting late, guys. Considering the plans that you have for tommorrow, you should get to bed soon."

"Wait, what are we doing tommorrow again?" The tall girl asks.
"We're turning Janus in to the police station with the evidance we collected." Remus replies, sounding a little too happy about it.
"..Which is?""

"A handy-dandy video recording of your Dad admitting to killing your girlfriend and 80% of her family."
"Delightful." She replies, only sounding a little upset. Then she turns to Remy.

"Sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself, I'm Zariah. You're.. Remy?"
He smiles, "Yeah. Technically it should be Dr Sleep to you, but since you're friends with these hooligans," He gestures to us all sat on the sofas. "I'll allow it."

"You'll have to sleep on the sofas." He pauses, putting his sunglasses back on. "If Emile doesn't kick you out as soon as he walks in this door, that is."

Then, as if on queue, there's the sound of a key turning in the door.
"Speak of the devil."

The owner of the home who's already inside turns and walks towards the door. From the living room, we hear the hushed conversation.

"Hey.. You know I love you, right?"
"Oh God, how many of my plushies got damaged in the washing machine this time?"

The therapist walks into the living room, stopping when he sees us. I see Remus give him an awkward wave. Dr Picani purses his lips. "Darling. Why are there four kids in our living room?"
"Uh, well-"
"Three of which aren't legally allowed to be here."

"Hey," I start talking while smirking. "You have no p-proof that us two aren't meant to b-be here."

Emile raises his eyebrows. "You're both wearing hospital bracelets."
Zariah gasps in mock surprise. "They must've forgotten to take them off when they discharged us! That's unfortunate, well, if you have any scissors, we can cut them off now!"

Remy takes his partner's bag, hanging it on a hook on the wall.
"Where are the other three, then?" Emile questions, reffering to Logan, Patton and Roman.

"Not here, but they'll want to be for the trial. We can phone them later."

Remy is swiftly pulled into the kitchen by Dr Picani, who pulls the door closed behind him.

"We do not have the space for them! At all!"
"They won't be here long, I promise."
"Do you realise how illegal this is?!"
"What did you want me to do? Not let them in? They're homeless!"

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