comfort character scenarios

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1) "I love you" you whispered. 

 "You can't" he replied. 

Tears began rolling down your cheeks."why not?" you said in between your sobs 

"I'm not real, y/n, you have to see that." he said, backing away from you. 

You stepped forward."do you think I don't know that? Do you think I've spent all my time with you, not knowing that I can't have you? That I can't be with you? That I can't hold you? I do! I do and yet... I still try" you cried out. 

He was fading away now, he tried to reach out to you and said"Maybe in another world"

2) Y/N: Is sitting on your bed and holding a cup of hot chocolate while looking out a window as the rain makes the outside smell like the ocean when suddenly you feel a pressure on your sides 

CC: Wraps their arms around you from the back and hugs you to their chest "How dare you look this cute, it's a crime." 

 Y/N: You smile and lean into their touch "I was just waiting for you. You're always right on time." 

CC: "Of course, my darling, you are the person I want to see every minute of every hour, every day for the rest of eternity." 

 Y/N: You open your eyes and realize it was another dream

3) "Hello," they said, their voice was so soft and comforting it was like the morning breeze on a calm autumn day, "I believe it's finally time we met, don't you?" 

 My breath caught as I took all of them in, their eyes and their hair. Their figure in general, it was all so hauntingly beautiful. I tried to respond to them but when I opened my mouth, no words came out, and I was just left gawking awkwardly. 

 "I've left you speechless, haven't I?" they chuckled and I nodded weakly, "I expected that." They paused, then gave me a soft smile that made my heart flutter. "How about a hug, are you able to function enough for that?" they joked, and once again I nodded weakly. 

 Without another word they wrapped their arms around me and embraced me in a comforting hug that made me feel whole. Immediately I wrapped my own arms around them and snuggled my face into their shoulder, feeling tears start to roll down my cheeks. 

 "Are you crying love?" I nodded into the crook of their neck. 

"I don't want you to go," I finally whispered and they seemed to hold onto me tighter at those words. 

"I'm not going anywhere darling, I'll always be with you. Always." 

 "Until the very end?" I asked cautiously. 

 "Until the very end," they assured.

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