if you love me

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I love my wife above all else. I have loved her since the moment I first laid eyes on her. I would do anything for her and that has never changed after all these years.

We first met in college. We were both Theater majors and it was day one of Acting 1 class that our eyes met for the first time. She had chocolate brown eyes that were complemented by her dark brown curls. We stared at each other constantly that first day, and when we were partnered together, we knew that it was fate.

"My name is Margaret," she said to as soon as I walked up to her after class.

I took her by and hand and kissed it.

"Henry," I responded.

She then took one of my long dreadlocks and wrapped it around her finger, staring me in the eyes and biting her lip. It was an amazing meeting with an even better ending later that night.

The following night, we went on our first date, a theater production of Sueño. We held each other's hand through the entire performance, and afterward, I walked her to her dormitory. Every day after that was like a love story. We went through good times and bad times. We broke up and got back together. Through it all one thing never changed for me, I loved her and would do anything for her.

We got married after graduation and went on to become very successful in the stage acting scene. We were considered a power couple and were always cast in romantic roles opposite each other. It was easy to bring the true deep love that we felt for each other to the stage, and it was nice to make money from it.

One day, our lives took a turn. We had just finished a successful performance of the stage play The Clean House when we were approached by a member of the audience.

"That was an amazing performance," he said, a creepy English accent behind his words.

"Why thank you, you're sweet," said Margaret, gripping my hand.

I could tell this guy had creeped her out, but being a talented actress, she was able to put on a nice front.

"I've been watching you two for a very long time," he continued, his pale blue eyes staring into Margaret. "I am very much a fan of your work. Every performance is riveting, and I can tell that you put true passion into your exchanges. You two must truly love each other."

"We do," I said, stepping slightly in front of Margaret. "We love each other very much. I would do anything for her." I looked at her, and she gave me that beautiful smile of hers.

"That warms my heart to hear," he said as he put his arms behind his back, and looking up into the night sky. "True love is... a valuable gift that is often taken for granted. If you're not careful, you can easily lose it forever, and it can never be replaced, no matter how hard you try." He then looked at me, and I could see just how disturbing his pale blue eyes were. "Hold on to that gift. Cherish it forever."

He began to walk away before I asked the question that had been bothering me since we met.

"Who are you?" I yelled.

He stopped and turned his head. "Your biggest fan," he answered.

He then walked away. Margaret and I looked at each other, baffled at what had just taken place. Later that night, we were sitting on our couch watching a movie when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Wonder who that could be," said Margaret as she got up to see who it was.

She looked at the peephole and froze in place before taking a single step back and opening the door. Standing just outside the door was the same man we had talked to earlier that night. He stood there with his arms behind him, his pale blue eyes shining like the moon.

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