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Season 1 - September 13th, 2149

After managing to stay alive for nine years in a hostile environment, I realized that I must have grown stronger. However, I couldn't help but feel that life had more to offer than just mere survival.

I spent the first 13 years of my life on The Ark, a space station that served as a refuge for the remaining human race after a nuclear war left Earth uninhabitable. The primary focus was on survival, and the rules were strict with severe consequences for breaking them.

My sister was an illegal second child. Our dad had kept her hidden, but I knew that wasn't enough. He would've been floated--thrown out into the cold space that surrounded us. And without a proper goodbye, I left my dad and got my sister to the ground. We weren't sure that we would survive, but even if we didn't our dad wouldn't be floated.

We found out we weren't alone shortly after we landed. For 97 years, it was believed that the last of mankind resided on the Ark. But that wasn't true. These people made it clear that they were here before us.

For nine years, my sister and I journeyed among various clans. Despite not being entirely on our own, we were cautious about whom we confided in, hence keeping our identities a secret.

We were aware that even those we placed our trust in could betray us.


"Sorry," my sister said. I gently placed my hand on her forearm, and I held it steady while I wrapped the makeshift bandage around it. She kept a guilty expression on her face, and I knew that she regretted what she did.

"Strisis, you need to be careful," I told her. She looked up at me just as I finished bandaging her arm, and using my knife, I cut off the excess. 

"I'm sorry," she repeated. "I just- I thought I could help out." She then pointed to my cheek where the animal's claw had scratched me. It wasn't serious, but it was enough to draw blood. I gave her a small smile and reached for the cloth I had used to clean her wound, and I lightly tapped it on my face cleaning the little bit of blood. 

Strisis kept staring at the dark scar. She's always been concerned with my blood color since the moment she found out how sacred it was. I knew she was scared that I'd be taken away for the next conclave and be turned into a commander.

I stood up. "At least we won the fight." At the other end of the cave was the large animal I had hunted down, already skinned and ready to be cooked. I threw my knife at it, lodging the blade into the meat. "Hungry?"

Strisis nodded, and I began cutting it up. I cut two pieces out for us. I grabbed my sword and placed both pieces onto it, and then I balanced it on some rocks near the fire allowing it to cook. "Can you grab some more firewood?" I asked.

She jumped to her feet, running to the entrance of the cave. I watched her as she scanned the area outside before completely running out of the cave. I had planned on bringing the animal to a friend and trading it, but since it was the only thing we had caught, I decided we'd just cook it.

The first couple of years on the ground were hard. All my sister wanted was to see our dad again, and she wouldn't accept the fact that they were not coming down. But we soon got used to life on Earth, even if we felt completely unstable with the change of gravity.

I heard Strisis let out a scream, and she sprinted into the cave, panting and out of breath. She stumbled over, and I grabbed her shoulders trying to help her catch her breath. "Blodon, I... I saw a... a ship," she said between breaths. "It... it came from... from the sky." She took one more deep breath and stood up straight. "I think it's from the Ark," she finished.

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