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The following morning, Octavia departed on a reconnaissance accompanied by Indra. Upon their return, they were joined by Clarke and Abby, who were carrying two stretchers. One stretcher had a Grounder on it, while the other carried a man in a hazmat suit.

As soon as I recognized the Mountain Man, I followed Clarke and Abby. I was determined to get my revenge on him. Abby rushed the two to medical while everyone else yelled and tried to clear the path.

"Jackson, we've got two patients. You get the radiation burns, I've got the gunshot wound," Abby announced.

"Set him down," Jackson said. They were both placed on beds in medical.

Abby was right by the Grounder's side. "I need blood. O-neg. A lot," Abby said.

A few people, including Clarke, were working on keeping the guy in the hazmat suit alive. "There was a tear in his suit, but we fixed it in the field," Clarke said. Raven and I walked over to her. "Anything from Bellamy?"

"No," Raven said.

"Then why aren't you at the radio?"

"Octavia just took my place. How about you back off?" Raven snapped. Her attitude toward Clarke was out of pure anger and rage. Raven loved Finn, and Clarke killed him. I gave her the knife to do it, so in Raven's eyes, I was just as guilty.

I reached for the buckle of his suit, wanting to rip it off and expose him. This man was guilty, and he didn't deserve to live. "No, leave it on. It's the only thing keeping him alive," Abby told me, not noticing what my true intentions were.

"How can we treat him if we can't touch him?" Jackson asked.

"I can rig up some scrubbers in the airlock," Raven said. "Give me 20 minutes."

Raven turned around and left medical. "Damn it. I'm losing him. I need the blood now!" Abby ordered. Jackson quickly rushed over to assist in applying pressure to the wound. "Ok. Come on, stay with me. Come on, fight." The Grounder closed his eyes and let out one last breath. "He's gone."

Clarke moved back from the Mountain Man and I glimpsed at his face behind the mask--Emerson, the one who had taken me to Mount Weather.

"A killer lives while a warrior dies?" Indra asked Clarke. "This your way?"

"I'm sorry, Indra. But he can help us beat Mount Weather."

"Then let me make him talk."

"No. We're not torturing him."

"Clarke's right," Abby said. "He might just talk because we saved his life."

"You people are so weak," I said. Abby was watching as I quickly sliced through part of the suit with my knife. I showed no emotion as I let the radiation seep in.

"Jules!" Abby yelled. She rushed to Emerson's side and covered the hole with her hand. I turned around and left medical, praying that he would die before he could be saved.

Raven was finished with the airlock sooner than was to be expected, and I was called to talk with Abby and Kane. When I reached the airlock, I saw Emerson's body covered in radiation burns.

"Raven did a good job," Kane said. "The airlock's radiation-free. When will he wake up?"

"I don't know," Abby said. "Soon. Our blood heals them. It's incredible."

I cleared my throat making myself known to them. They turned around to look at me. "You wanted to talk to me?" I asked. From the look on Kane's face, it was clear he didn't know what I did. He wasn't expecting me at all.

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