Wade Ketchum

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"Helloo, there kiddies! I am the one you all know as the handsome, loveable, cancerous, DEADPOOL. I am here to give your quivering lady parts what they need, your girlfriend's shaking hands a healthy dose of Deadpool (you people and your sick minds, God damn). I am so happy to be here in... Wait, I'm in New Bark Town!?! Could I be in the Pokemon universe? Why couldn't I be in the first region!?! Eh, I can go there after I beat a few thousand kids with hopes and dreams, and take the title from their role model. I'm an jackass, but... Oh yeah. That's exactly what I am." "Really Wade? That's what you're going with?" "Oh my God! There you are other voice in Wade's head he doesn't listen to!" "Well, looks like my insanity's all here! Let's go to the prof's lab and get us some pocket monsters!"

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