Chapter IV: Letters & Separation

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Sometime later

Royal hall

Instead of me standing next to Mira, I am kneeling before her as she tells me of the mission I am to undertake alone. I will have separate escorts along the route until we reach the border town.

With a solemn tone, Mira says: "This task may kill you; to warrant your safety I have had them furnish this for you."

I look up to see Mira hold out a single ring with the domain's national stone embedded in the center. Soon after taking it, I noticed a glint from under her dress collar. It was a matching ring. I could feel the mana coming off of it like a hot flame.

Putting on the ring, I bow my head and say clearly: "Thank you Milady, I will return with the results of this mission in tow."

Later on

After my mission briefing, I head to where my weapons and armor would usually be stored. By this time everyone in the castle knew I was a demi-human. Some of the lower nobles that were squires in training had mixed looks as I passed them. Some had looks of fear, others had looks of hatred, and some were curious. They kept their mouths shut for fear of Mira's wrath or perhaps fear I'd eat them.

Even those who I'd trained with over the last two years have begun treating me differently. I guessed that Demi-Humans were revered as monsters. I don't know, it's not like there were any other demi-humans around I could ask. For as much as Mira knew, I was the only one left.

That alone left a small hole in my heart.

Royal Armory

"Mira figured your belongings would get tampered with since the announcement, so I've been charged with giving this to you to compensate them." States the head maid as she hands me a small chest.

I kneel down after accepting it and look inside. I find a battle robe generally used by court mages inside with some defining differences. That being said, it has light plate mail woven into the fabric. As well as having runes engraved in the tiny plates. The robes were finely crafted, next came a long double-edged rapier.

This one was different as well. It was built like my two-handed master sword but had the qualities of a rapier. As the robes had runes, so did my new sword. Another defining difference was that my sword and armor were made from the same metal my locket was made from. Even the design wasn't from the Garnet Nightshade domain.

POV: Mira Lis'ra

Royal Chamber

After my discussion with Elise was over I hid the emotions that were lingering on the surface. I had to be the nobleman I am until I had a moment to myself. The Lord who came to us for this request left shortly after Elise had. The lingering thoughts of my earlier announcement were hard to forget as well. I had thought news of a Demi-Human living amount my citizenry would stir trouble and that is exactly what it did.

As my mother and father had taught me since I was a little girl: "Let the people say their peace then quell the flames before they ignite."

Opposition was always a looming trait when it came to the Demi-Humans. Tribe after tribe had been killed out of fear that they would one day try to march on other domains that weren't their own. And so nation after nation set siege to their lands. Now that I think about it, the northern domain was one of the last to fall to ruin. Does that mean Elise was once Royalty to the domain of Faus'Latia? That can't be right, everyone in that domain was human.


POV: Elise Lis'ra

My personal escorts from the capital have been on guard since we left the main providence. As to what I mean by that is the guards have such hostile looks in their eyes.

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