Chapter VIII: The Rise of a Hero

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Garnet Nightshade Domain

Lis'ra Castle Ruins

A month Later

POV: Mira Lis'ra

It has been two months now since Elise had left for her mission. I have not received any news of her whereabouts from anyone. The war has finally come to an end with neither side gaining or losing ground. My domain had suffered horrific casualties. Over two thousand were confirmed dead, another seven hundred injured, and two hundred and eighty missing. Lady Raine and her troops diminished rapidly, due to her not knowing the terrain of my domain. The smaller towns had evacuated, burning what crops they had, causing the other forces to starve. Most of her injured died from infection, due to her not having enough healers.

Most of my citizens made it out of the fight, but the loved ones they lost were unimaginable. Innocent men, women, and children that stood for their domain will never see the future, and that was a burden I had to live with. Raines' regime has withdrawn, and the remaining troops I had helped look for further survivors, injured or missing. I had Akeena stay posted in key areas every four hours to make sure no one tried anything. As of right now, I'm walking down the street helping with the relief effort.

"Lady Mira, what are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be at the castle right now?" Asks the attendant.

Looking around, I say: "The guards are aware of my whereabouts. I can't just sit there knowing my people need help."

"And, that is why they fought for you. Your mother and father would be proud of you." States the attendant.

I know Atlin meant well by his words, but it didn't help the feeling of grief that held tightly around my heart. The only other feeling I had was the longing to see Elise's smiling face. I had not heard from her since Akeena's arrival, so my worries for her safety were sound. Even some of the soldiers and mages had asked in recent days if I've heard any word of her.

The glum look on my face must've been a dead giveaway that I haven't, and everyone knew not to ask further, which I deeply appreciated. When Akeena wasn't on patrol, she stayed by my side and allowed me to snuggle next to her. The times I slept were due to the comfort of Akeena's soft, warm fur with the slight scent of Elise. One week turned to two, and then three, and when I thought the worst had happened, news of a lone woman came to me by a messenger from the outskirts. It was the last day of the fourth week when I heard, within two days I had gathered a small group and went to see who it was that the scouts had found.


Garnet Nightshade


POV: Elise Suara Latia

It has been over two months now since I've been home. After my last battle, it had taken me several days to recuperate from my injuries. The man in the black robe had done some damage, but nothing too life-threatening. Due to my potent healing magic, not even a scar was left behind. (If it had, Mira would have lost her mind.) Some of the things he had told me left me with even more questions than I had before.

Some were the basics, such as: "Who am I, what am I, where did I come from?" Questions like that. But of all things, the one thing he said that I soon found out to be true, was this, I was pregnant. After traveling the distance I've traveled to get home, the person I wanted to see more than anything was Mira. I had reached the outskirts of the castle, but what startled me the most was how bare it looked compared to how busy it usually was.

I could tell from the ruins that the war had hit every city and town through the entire domain. As I passed the market place I could hear the sound of a small battalion marching this way. Not knowing who, or why they were heading in this direction I pulled my hood up and drew my sword, and held it at the ready.

After several minutes the marching came to a stop and a voice that was far too familiar to me called out: "Elise?! Elise?! Please tell me you're here?!"

I could tell, even from this distance, Mira's voice was shaking as she fought back the tears that I knew would soon begin to spill. So, as to not make her wait, my body moved on its own as I ran to Mira, nearly knocking her trembling frame to the ground.

Holding me tightly, Mira says through heavy sobs: "I thought I would never see you again!"

I tried to pry myself free, but her grip only tightened, so instead of trying to fight it, I stayed still and held her tightly. As embarrassed as I was for the public affection, I finally managed to say: "Mira, I found the murderer. He's dead, I killed him."

Coming back to her senses, Mira asks: "What did you find out?"

As we sit on the ground still holding each other, I tell Mira about the events that transpired during my trip. (Except the part about me being pregnant.) Mira sits there silently until I finish, then she asks the one question I should have expected her to ask.

"You're leaving again, aren't you?"

Without any hesitation, I shake my head no, and answer her with: "There's something I need to tell you, but before I do that can we go home?"

Mira eyes me for a moment, then asks: "Elise, you're looking rather pale, are you not feeling well?"

With a small smile, I say: "You'll have to wait until we get home."

Mira gets to her feet first, then gingerly helps me up. The soldiers that had watched all this made it seem like it never happened, to Mira's and my relief. I admit, I enjoyed the quiet trip back, with the sound of marching filling the empty silence. For the first time in the two years of knowing and undeniably loving her, Mira openly held my hand. I never want to forget the warmth of her hand or the love we shared and had to keep secret.

We both knew things wouldn't be easy for us, knowing we were both women. But we promised we'd stay together through it all, and a few days later once we made it back and I had a few more days to recuperate, Mira and I both appeared before the people and announced our engagement.

To our amazement, the people didn't chastise us or criticize us but applauded and cheered. Later that night as we were getting ready for bed, Mira asked the question I wasn't ready to answer yet.

"Elise, what was it you wanted to tell me, it's been on my mind for the last few days?"

I sit down next to Mira and debate how I'm going to tell her, but the Ernest look in her eyes tells me to be honest, so, with a deep breath I say: "Mira, we're going to have a child."

Mira sits on the bed silently for a long time as I expected her to. I would have done the same if I was in her shoes. After a long silence, I was beginning to get worried, so I knelt in front of her and made her look at me.

When Mira spoke, her voice was just above a whisper: "How is that possible? How could you have conceived? I mean, we're both women?"

"When "this" happened" pointing to my ears and tail: "Our mana had converged."

Mira says louder than she planned: "But that's only a myth!"

Knowing her the way I do, I take her hand and place it on my stomach. Mira's eyes look from me to where her hand now lays, then back to me. As our eyes meet, hers grow wide as she feels movement.

"So it is true, you are pregnant, and I'm the mother of our child." States Mira, as tears spill from her eyes.

Holding her hand tightly, I say: "No Mira, we are their mother."

Several days later as I was brushing my hair, Mira burst into our room.

Out of breath, Mira says: "I knew some would be overjoyed at the news, but everyone in the room heard, and now it's an uproar of how to make the child's room."

I stop in the middle of brushing my hair, and look over my shoulder to Mira as I say: "Is that what all the fuss has been about? I can hear it from here."

With a heavy sigh, Mira says: "I tried to be discreet about it, but the head maid kinda let the cat out of the bag and that was the end result."

I put my brush down and walk over to Mira as I say: "I guess there's nothing we can do now."

With a bright smile, Mira replies with: "You're right."

The Rise of a Hero & The Garnet Nightshade (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now