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Hi lovelies :), hope you're fine♡

Instead of beating about the bush I'll come straight to the point.

I'm terrible when it comes to words and emotions so I'm just gonna speak whatever comes to my mind.

First of all thank u for being here and reading this a/n. It means you care enough to be here and I really appreciate it.

Secondly, the problem.

It's the constant lack of feedback from the very few of my readers and it has disheartened me to a point it's affecting my writing.

Needless to say, I love you all. You are precious to me, for giving my books a chance but at the same time I don't know if, as an author I'm doing a good job or not and this has led to a severe author's block, lack of motivation and interest.

It may sound greedy of me to be asking for comments and feedback but a writer needs to  know about what their readers expect, while I on the other hand don't know bcz you guys aren't being vocal, hence there's so much lacking in my writing.

You guys are my motivation, in other words, my muse. A handful of comments can make my day, while they cost nothing, but for a writer like myself, feedback lifts up my spirit to write even better and I wanna do better, for you guys, but these last days have been destructive in terms of my writing quality and motivation.

A little something in terms of feedback will be the source of my happiness, plz let me know your thoughts, mistakes you point out or simply a word of appreciate can work wonders for me.

So yeah, that's that. Can't believe I'm publishing something that is not a chapter.  T_T

Thank u again for reading my emotional rant.

I'll try updating soon.^_^

Love ❤

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