The Sick Fic (D Tier Sick)

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I haven't written anything in... Too long. Hope you enjoy, and if you know me personally, I'll fight you and I'll lose.

D tier pov

I opened my eyes slowly and immediately shut them again, the light blinding me as I let out a muffled groan, covering my face with the duvet. "Fuck that hurts" I thought to myself, swallowing and feeling like my throat was tearing at the seams.

I heard footsteps from the other side of the room and I could practically feel a smug grin creep upon Alex's face, "Right, time to get up sleepyhead, we have-" I feel their hand brush against my forehead as they try to pry away the covers: "Shit dude! You feeling OK? You're like, burning up over here!" They run out of the room and grab a thermometer from the kitchen, quickly putting it in my mouth. They show me the little screen thing '36°C'.

I close my eyes quickly and start coughing into my elbow, regretting being alive with every inhale.

S tier pov

"Is there anyway we could use your power on you?" I asked, trying my best to help with the situation, knowing her power was to heal people by beating them up. Think Fix-It Felix, but able to toggle it on and off. "N-no that I know of" she speaks in a very horse and raspy voice, which I would normally tease her for, but now didn't really seem appropriate.

"So you think you could eat? Like, would it hurt too much? What do you need? Your overheating so I'll open the windows and grab some water. I think we icecream, but would that help? What if it's a heroes power? How ca-" I get cut off by a hand covering my mouth, "Shut up. I have a headache. Get me some toast or something, I might want it later. And clean your face, I don't want you to get whatever I have, if you could even."

I dash to the kitchen, washing my face off, just in case, and putting on some toast.

D tier pov

I lie in bed, facing the ceiling and start weakly hitting my chest, in vain attempts to get my power to work. At least its quiet, that's nice- I hear a very loud crash from the other room and then a slightly quieter "I'm okay... We need a new toaster though..." I sigh and fumble for my glasses, poking myself in the eye when trying to put them on. I hate everything right about now. Alex skids into the room and practically through toast at me, it landing butter side down on my bed." Come on man, I got these like 4 days ago. They have penguins on them." "Now they have butter on them too."


S tier pov

I sit next to the bed, like I have for the past few hours, just watching Morgan sleep. It wasn't too hard to get her to pass out after I started reading some of the books and poems I own, because apparently no one appreciates a good sonnet anymore. I smile at her sleeping  face, she looks so peaceful right now. It sucks I can't do any thing to help, or else I would in a heartbeat... I've never felt so powerless, especially when faced with something this trivial. I can't even take her to the hospital because she would just end up in danger and defenseless.

Well, not totally, it's not like I'd leave her side. Not now, not ever.

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