The Sick Fic (S Tier Sick)

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This'll either be much better or much worse, no in between.

D tier pov

I'm sitting on the sofa and watching 'Generic American Sitcom' whilst enjoying a nice coffee that I stole from the place I work. Well, I say stole but I get them for free, but I took more than the recommended amount of sugar packets, soooo. Showed them.

I'm just laughing at 'Typical hot guy that's not actually funny' when the front door opens and a weak looking Alex walks in, they slump over the kitchen counter and vomit in the sink. "Woah, shit! You OK? What happened?" I jolt up and walk over, rubbing their back. "Apparently I'm allergic to this heroes blood, because I'm now vomiting everywhere and my head feels like it's unscrewing at the neck." I see cuts and punch their arm lightly, healing the surface level stuff. "Right, let's get you lying down."

Once they're lying down, I begin to get the basic sick stuff: dish bowl, water, aspirin. That sort of thing. I make sure they are sitting up properly so they don't choke on anything and I begin to question them about their state, the further we get though, the less the answers make sense. "How many fingers am I holding up?" I raise my hand towards their face, "Yes I would like to go to the zoo, mummy" Yeah, I think they need some rest.

I stay with them until they begin to fall asleep, but as I turn to leave, I feel them grab onto the back of my jacket. "Please... Don't go, MD..." I nod and sit back down, staying with them and helping them with whatever they might need.

I just hate that I can't use my power on allergic reactions, I feel like that's just too convenient for the story to work and makes, like, no sense for the actual power description. I see that they're finally asleep and leave a small kiss on their forehead, pulling the cover up over them and heading to take a nap myself. Parenting this grown child is a tiring experience.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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