~chapter 16~

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    Your eyes fluttered open, and you were surprised to not be in your bedroom or even on your couch, but in a random hotel room. You shut your eyes for a moment to try and recall last nights events.

    "Hey, wake up, we're here"


    Ah. So thats what happened. You stood up and went to go make a coffee at least, thats what you tried to do. There was an unfamiliar mass of brown hair on your chest and a pair of arms restricting you from moving. You jolted in shock and confusion, which woke the person up. Turns out it was Wilbur.

    "Uh.." You looked at Wilbur, his hair was messy and he was wearing a white T shirt and red pajama pants.


    "This never happened." You pressed a finger to his lips and got up to make a coffee. He didn't respond, even though you could feel his eyes burning a hole through your skin. A good five minutes passed, you were sitting down drinking your coffee when he responded.

    "If you want to pretend like this never happened then go ahead, but i'm not going to." Wilbur spat at you, almost rudely. 

    "Watch your tone." You spat back at him, not looking at him, eyes still glued to your phone. You felt him glare at you but heard him lay back down. You looked at a text Niki sent you, saying something similar to like, 'oh hey we're gonna meet up back here to go shopping for swimming suits today and swim at the pool,' or at least similar to that. You spun around in the swirly chair to see Wilbur fast asleep, taking up the entire bed and hugging one of the four pillows. You debated waking him up, but you decided you'd have to, since you didn't have your car and you needed him to drive you to your apartment to get new clothes.

    "Wilbur wake up." You stood next to his bed and shook him lightly. He woke up almost immediately. Looking up at you with brown globes and rolled over. "Niki texted me. We're going swimming." You added.

     He sprung up from bed and went to go get ready.

    "HEY DICK, I NEED YOU TO DRIVE ME TO MY APARTMENT TO GET CLOTHES." You yelled through the bathroom door.

    He popped his head out and walked out. He grabbed a sweater, a belt and some jeans and handed them to you.

    "What about underwear?" You asked him.

    "Grab a pair of my boxers!" He yelled from the other side of the bathroom door. 

    "Are you forgetting I don't have nuts, Wilbur?!" You asked him.

    There was a short pause from his side. "Well then I guess you're out of luck, because i'm not driving you!" He replied back.

    "Why not?!" You yelled or asked.

    No response. But you did hear the shower start running. What a dickhead. You set the clothes down and went on your phone, sipping your bathwater warm coffee. After about 10-15 minutes you heard the water stop running, and Wilbur coming out in a hotel robe. He pointed towards the bathroom door and you rushed in to take a shower. You set the water to scalding hot and let it heat up. You threw off your clothes and slid into the somewhat nice shower. You let the hot drops of water burn your skin as you washed your hair with cheap hotel shampoo and conditioner. You rubbed some body wash into your skin and washed it all off. 

    You stepped out and dried off with one of those green towels that smelt like dust and set it up to dry. You grabbed Wilbur's clothes and took a good look at them. It was a Sweater that said Brighton on it and some plain black jeans with a plain belt for a plain man. Thankfully you were similar in the height department, him only being 4 inches taller than you. You yanked the jeans on and cuffed them slightly just so they were the perfect length. You slid on the sweater and the belt. 

    Unlocking the bathroom door, your eyes shot to Wilbur who was sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone.

   You grabbed your converse and secured them to your feet and added your beanie from earlier.

    "Ready to rock and roll?" You asked him with a smile, trying to diffuse the tension.

    "Mhm." He spun the keys on his index and held the door open for you. You grabbed a keycard on the way out and put it into your back pocket.

    You made it out the the parking lot after a painfully long elevator ride. You sat in the passenger seat and leaned back.

    Wilbur played some random songs that were on the radio as you wove in and out of cars. The traffic wasn't bad, due to it being 11am. You left the hotel at the right time. You and Wilbur argued about where your meeting, wether it was Ross or the Hotel. He decided to stop by Ross and sure enough, nobody was there. You told him that you were right as you made your way to the hotel. Once you made it there, you saw them all standing outside.


sorry for the short chapter, i got tired halfway through but yeah if you haven't taken the hint wilbur is pissed so yeah, btw i think im gonna stop updating on mondays unless i really want to since monday can be my day off i guess?    

word count: 926

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