Pillow me please

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Just another normal day at shinhwa...Jiyoung looking drop dead gorgeous, jiyoung looking drop dead gorgeous oh..! Cant forget, Jiyoung still looking drop dead gorgeous

Jiyoung wore a suit that fit around her so perfectly as if it was made by gods hands. but the one tiny detail you would not fail to miss would be, HER HIPS. Ah those delicious bones are a blessing from the gods just existing. Oh. Wait.

You pulled jiyoung aside for a moment, Yes she had many duties but you would help her as an apology later onwards. Her figure was a bit bigger than yours, she looked so dominating that you face planted in her chest. And as to your surprise she put your arms around your waist and so did you. You stood around for a while and that was all you needed to simply exist.

Her silence spoke so many words, and thats one of the 10,000 reasons why you love her. A simple kiss was planted on your forehead and your internal system had most literally collapsed at this point. You stood up straight while her hands still around your waist and landed her lips on your own. Afterwards quickly nuzzling her neck, being able to smell the fragrance of her lavender shampoo that you shared.

Authors note:

(Also this whole fic is gender neutral

Also I almost forgot this existed so uhhh I might like continue this on another acc on my ipad I'll tell you guys when I make the acc🤓 its gonna have alot of chapters

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