01: Ominous Omen of Faith

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01: Ominous Omen of Faith

I took a long breath to calm myself. I stared hardly at the mess I'm seeing. Scattered lumps of cotton on the floor. Torn pillow covers. Gold specs of dusts floating in the air.

Sighing heavily, I turned to look at the culprits. I was about to reprimand the boys when someone cut me off  before I could even finish a word. My eyes went wide as I recognized the owner of the voice.


"Where are the two?"

"Daxton!" I ran towards him and hugged him tightly, giving it back to me with the same energy. I shook my head as his eyes surveyed the room to find Damon and Damien. His eyebrows knitted again.

I mouthed "behind the couch" before I went to the kitchen to inform mother about his arrival.

"I heard your brother's voice. I'm not imagining things, right Darling?" I giggled at my mother's troubled face. I lovingly intertwined our arms together and rested my head on her shoulder.

"You are not imagining things, Mother. He is here" I squeaked with happiness. "Unfortunately, our two angels wrecked our living room again, and that was what greeted him. I think you would know the rest."

Mother laughed before turning to what she was cooking. I put on my apron and started washing the vegetables we got from our garden. I kept on laughing silently while listening to the twin's answer to Daxton's scolding.

"A promise is our family's oath. Do not ever ruin a promise for your personal interest. Do you understand? Damon? Damien?"

"We understand."

"He is coming, Mother." I said as I heard the sound of footsteps. She smiled and nodded.

"I can hear him too." She whispered. We both giggled like little girls, turned, and waited for him to emerge from the doorstep.

Daxton stopped walking with a nearly surprised look. Mother and I exchanged glances as we welcome him with bright smiles.

"Why did you not scold the two?" I laughed.

"Because you were there?" Daxton shook his head but the trace of faint smile was still on his lips. I flashed him a toothy grin before speaking again.

"Go on. Our mother's waiting."

Mother welcomed her with a tight hug. She was covered in tears as she buried her face on his chest. I watched with a soft smile as he kissed her head.

Another voice filled the kitchen while we were talking about his life as a tamer. Mother's eyes glowed brighter, and right then, I knew who came.

"I also deserve a hug, don't I?" I squeaked loudly.

"Father!" He laughed and kissed my forehead. Father winked at me and before I could even realize it, he suddenly vanished, and I just found myself looking at my parents hugging each other tightly.

My eyes lovingly looked at the two as the glitters surrounded them until they're both inside a small golden hurricane. Everything around us reflected the sparkle of the spiraling wind.

I rested my elbows on the table and cupped my face. How I love watching my parents hold each other with the same affection and intensity.

"You do realize it is normal, right?" I asked Daxton between my laughter after hearing his snickers beside me. He would always have this reaction whenever he catches them hugging.

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