10: Alliance with the King

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10: Alliance with the King

I didn't know what to say. I was caught up with the idea that I was the only remaining tamer now because no one would continue our family's line if we all fell asleep.

"This makes no sense." I blurted out. How? Who survived? Who woke up before me? Who is his ancestor? All of this does not make sense at all!

"As much as we want to help you make sense of it, like you, we do not have the slightest idea as to how there is another tamer in our time." General Altas and King Fritzegerald looked at me with pity.

I averted my gaze. I do not want to think that my own family betrayed me, but after knowing that there is another tamer alive aside from me, was I the only one who remained asleep? Have they forsaken me?

It took up all my sanity to remain focused as they discussed how they found out these places. My mind would slip off to the idea that my family lived, and then would go back to attentively listening to them. 

But there is one fact that remains. He is a tamer. 

General Atlas pushed the papers to me. It has the information he got while observing the Legends from a distance. They varied from land, water, and sky-habitating Legends.

"Lady de Tame, I have a proposal to make." I looked up from the papers I was reading to the King's face.

"We will help you in any possible way. In exchange, you have to tame these Legends before he does."

I knew it was coming. There is no such thing as free stay here in the palace. I was just waiting for him to tell me his conditions for my stay.

I heaved a sigh before looking at the papers again. I know these Legends by heart. I always see them in our book, written by our ancestors. Father would also write in there, and the newest contributor was my brother who started working with him.

Although I was taught how to use our ability to tame, I was only able to tame three Legends. I have a limitation for being a female tamer. The scope of my ability is not the same as that from my father and brother.

 Only the men in our family would be born as pureblood tamers. Any female, born in the family would become hybrid, having an ability from the combination of the mother side's and tamer's gifts. These females would be tamers, but would never have all the gifts of a tamer.

But I am the only female in the tamer family. It had always been males. I am the first. 

"I-" I looked up, and saw two hopeful eyes. I do not know what has gotten into me, but after seeing the hope they have in them, I was compelled to say yes. "I'll try to tame them before he does."

"That would mean a lot to Diere." King Fritzegerald and General Atlas gave me a small smile, grateful for my answer. I glanced at the papers I am holding, and inhaled deeply. I just wish that I could find my family while helping them.

"I must warn you beforehand. He is cunning, and would do everything to win." I grinned. He is really a tamer

When it ended, the King went back to meet the royal advisor to talk about politics. General Atlas offered to bring me to my room, but I declined as I already knew my way. It comes from being a tame. For being a tamer also means being good at directions.

Distant shouts from the outside caught my attention as soon as I sat on the chair near the window from my room. I parted the curtains, looked down, and saw them probably having a practice match.

Mallari, Cahmir, Variano, and Faustin became a laughing stock after losing miserably to another group who were standing proudly at the center. Variano was the most beaten among them, and he was even had to be dragged by Faustin and Cahmir to the side.

Everyone laughed when another girl stepped forward and pushed Mallari's back as she was walking away from the crowd. She fell to the ground, palms touching the ground, but Mallari's action was strange. I was not able to hear a single word of complaint from her.

I squinted my eyes and memorized the faces of the people in the crowd when I realized what was happening. There is clearly another monarchy going around them.

I hid the papers under the bed by disguising it as a blob of dusts. It looked gross, but in such case where someone would enter a room uninvited to find something, no one would try to touch it.

I glanced at the window again and saw a silent palace ground. The crowd was already gone, replaced by an eerie silence. Farther away from the center, I saw four figures slowly walking to the opposite wing, carefully holding one of them.

I left the room and started walking. I focused on the sounds of their footsteps, following them without asking any royal servants. It took me several turns before it led me to an old room, and by the looks of it and place around, it does seem like they were not treated fairly in the palace.

I knocked on the door three times. I stopped using my sharpened sense of hearing. I already invaded their privacy when I followed them here, and I do not want to add any more sin.

I came face to face with Mallari who's lips are bleeding. I grimaced at the sight of her bruised lips and cheeks. Her hands have cuts, both shallow and deep. 


"What kind of training did you have?" She looked away. I squinted my eyes at her. "It was nothing."

"Let me in, Mallari." I insisted.

"No. We don't want to put you into trouble." My face crumpled at her answer.

"Trouble and tamers are siblings. Let me in."

"No. If you are worried, there's no-" We both winced at the sound of pain coming from someone in the room. I raised my eyebrow at her, and she avoided my eyes by looking at the floor.

I forcefully opened the door, impatiently shoving her to the side before she could react, and walked inside. Their room was... cramped. I didn't know how they were able to squeeze themselves here. It was certainly not designed for four people.

Variano was breathing heavily, with his wounded chest exposed in the air. It was clearly an indication of mockery and hatred. I was only able to cover my mouth at the sight of his body.

"Let me help." I said. Cahmir gave me a sideways glance before scoffing. "What can a tamer do? Tame these wounds?"

"Rude." He glared at me. "I do not care if you hate me right now, but allow me to help." He glared at me before looking at Variano. His eyes softened while looking at him, before it hardened to meet my glare. "Just... just don't make it worse." 

I scoffed. Variano's condition has been already worse for a practice match. I rolled my eyes as I replaced him on his seat to see what I can do to help.

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