Chapter 8 What Shall I Do?

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Wendy's POV

Mira was talking about her OTPs again as we were walking up to Fairy hills. It was all she had gone on about since we had started walking.

I couldn't stop thinking about how Romeo ha touched my head, telling me that he had a crush on me. Was it real, or did he just brush my hair when he passed me.

"It was just perfect when Natsu attacked Loke when he kissed Lucy, he obviously isn't so dense after all. He obviously is just bursting to confess his his feelings of love to her, and I just need to create the perfect environment for this to happen." she chattered, her matchmaking eyes gleaming. "And when Gray kissed Juvia instead of Juvia having to kiss Laxus, all my dreams were alive." I sighed heavily.

Juvia began to babble about her fantasies again. "Juvia loves Gray, Gray is so brave, and he obviously loves Juvia and he wasn't just doing it because he ships MirAxus like all the rest of us-"

"I agree Juvia, he does love you- HANG ON WHATS MIRAXUS????" Mira shouted.

I laughed, momentarily distracted from my fantasy about Romeo and I when I heard this. Mira was a major matchmaker, but she didn't know her own ship!

"It's a ship between you and Laxus obviously!" I giggled

"W-W-What! How did you-"

"Literally everyone in Fairy tail ships you guys! We figured as you ship everyone else in Fairy tail we figured you should have a ship too. Gray is one of the strongest supporters as you ship GrUvia so much, and he probably kissed Juvia to protect MirAxus." I said, laughing.

Juvia's eyes filled with tears.

"Are you saying that Gray doesn't love Juvia!" Juvia said, tears flowing down her face. "He still loves me, I know it!" She screamed and ran off to Fairy hills.

Mira looked at me and said,

"He does love her, he has to! He is just to shy to reveal his feelings, but I will make him!"

She laughed demonically as we reached the doors into Fairy hills. I ran up the stairs to my dorm, jogged down the hall, opened the door to my room and walked inside. Charle was in there, sitting on the bed, and as I closed the door behind me and flopped on the bed, she looked at me.

"What's the matter child?" She said as I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Oh Charle, I just don't know anymore. When we were playing truth or dare Romeo was dared to go around the circle and tap his crush on the head while everyone had their eyes closed. He tapped me on the head, which means he has a crush on me. I have liked him since we got back from Tenrou Island, and I can't stop thinking about him. In the guild hall yesterday, there was an incident where Romeo ended up kissing me accidentally. Now he has just let me know he likes me, and I can't help thinking that it was just he brushed my head accidentally or something, I just don't know!"

Tears were streaming down my face now. Charle came over and patted my hand with her soft, white paw.

"It's easy child. You will know by the way he acts towards you tomorrow. If it was an accident he will most likely act completely normally. If it was deliberate then he will act awkwardly."

My crying slowed and stopped. I looked at Charle.

"Thank you for always helping me Charle." I said, and I hugged her tightly.

"Your welcome child, just be careful."

"I will Charle," I whispered, rolling over on the bed, and gently falling asleep.


Hi everyone

Thank you so much for reading! I can't believe I got two hundred reads! Thank you all so much! I will try to do a longer chapter tomorrow, I know today's was a bit boring and short, but I didn't have very much time.

Thanks again.

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