Love Isn't Always Fair (Black Veil Brides)

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I Ran.

I ran as fast as I could, never took a look back. It was pointless if I did. All that would happen if I ever did was bombarded with apologies, and I’d be sabotaged all over again. It was until now that I’ve noticed, everything between us was a lie. A dirty ass fucking lie. I just wanted to fall onto the ground, and cry my eyes out even more. The grounds I’ve been stepping on are slowly morphing into quick-sand before my eyes, that any time now, I can collapse easily. That’s how crushed I was. But I was tired of being the weak, so I pushed my legs furthermore trying to run even faster. As much as I prayed not to trip due to the long as wedding dress I was wearing, I decided to tear it apart with my own hands. But still, I could trip on the tail I created with my bare hands. 

Curse wedding dresses.  Curse everything involving weddings. 

I thought Damon was like the cliche, typical, dream boy. Let’s say a replica of Edward Cullins. How funny, right? Let’s say, love stories like twilight, are fucking lies. It’s all fake. And I hope I’d keep that in mind for a very, very long time. I don’t care if I end up having cats around my house! At least I won’t get fucking heartbroken because they’re cats, they stick with you forever. Until they die, of course. But that’s not the issue right now! A few minutes ago, I caught Damon, my fiancee, cheating on me with his fucking ex girlfriend. How cliche right? How cliche was he with all the roses and chocolates. And in the end, all he did was break my heart. 

How nice. 

Soon I drifted into the real world in a snap. I soon caught the booming, and heavy core bass, followed by a screaming and anxious crowd. That’s where I began to wonder, how fast was I running. How did I get here? But I didn’t care about that right now, I felt like I was being chased. I didn’t even bothered looking back, I just decided to jump over the fence. It was a very opened spaced area, and I could tell there was a main stage, and everything. But a whole fence blocked the entry, so I decided to jump over it. And no, there wasn’t an electric shit thing. And yes, I know it’s trespassing, but my ass didn’t gave two fucks right now. And I guess I should expect policemen chasing me, if they ever caught me. But I’ll make sure I don’t get caught. Well, I don’t care anyways. Right?

I wiped the black inked tears away, and I bet I look like a fucking mess, but I kept my head held up high. As I walked through the crowd, I received weird looks, but then they exchanged looks. It’s not that I was completely standing out from the crowd, because they looked weird themselves too. Practically all of the girls and guys wore black paint, all on their face in a creative way, and also on their arms. Probably representing something, but that’s their business. The weird thing of all, they gave me smiles yet confused and curious ones. Due to the fact It looked like I was crying my eyeballs out. But I could care less.

I walked through the crowd, and was gladly let in. Some gave me glares, but their expressions softened. And I wondered why. 

Was there something on my face?

 Yeah, the smeared make-up dummy. 

I sniffed, trying to recover from the insane crying scenario I had a few moments ago. But I guess that whole crying made me feel.. better. Yet I felt so empty, and hallow inside, I was left numb. It’s like getting cut deeply on the arm, and someone stitching it up. Doesn’t it feel numb afterwards? Well, that’s how I feel now.

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