Here's Johnny

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The fear that coasted through Anthony's veins was a fear he never thought he would have. Anthony knew that his father is bigger, stronger, and faster than him. And he had one other advantage.

He can hear me.

Anthony knew that he couldn't do anything without fear of being caught. If he goes outside, he could die from exposure to the below freezing temperatures. There was really only one thing left to do. He had to fight.

"Anthony!" Charlie's trembling voice shouted throughout the hotel as he tried desperately to find his son. "Come on and take your medicine!"

Anthony stood in the middle of the room, trying to hide the fear from showing on his face. His eyes were fixated on the entrance of the room, and soon he saw the shadowed silhouette of Charlie approaching, holding an axe. His hard fall down the stairs caused a severe limp in his stride. Broken leg.

The bag of meat looked like Charlie, but what was controlling the meat wasn't. His eyes was casted over with a foggy gray that ignited a spark of madness. His mouth was spread in a forced grin that quivered, as if the real Charlie inside was trying to fight the demon that possessed him.

"There you are. Let me give you what you deserve, you son of a bitch."

"Dad," Anthony signed with tears prickling his eyes. "Please. It's me."

Charlie's face scrunched in a horrific expression as the hotel and Charlie began to fight over control. His eyes had dark circles surrounding them and his face was significantly thinner. He raised the axe, and it shook violently in his hands. Axe murder takes a lot of physical strength, strength that Charlie was very capable of.

"You... you can't..." it stumbled over its words hoarsely. "Your punishment..."

"Come back to me, please," Anthony pleaded. He was trying to bring his dad back. Even for just a moment.

Charlie screamed out and dropped the axe to the floor. It landed on the wood with a harsh thud that Anthony could feel the vibration from in his fingertips. His eyes went up to Charlie, who was looking at his shaking hands with his bloody mouth agape. His green eyes lingered to Anthony while gasping, and he dropped to his knees.

"Sport," Charlie Reynolds signed to his deaf son.

"Dad." Anthony rushed to his father and nearly tackled him in a hug. They were trembling together, and Charlie didn't acknowledge the physical pain he was in. He knew that he didn't have much time left, and he has no choice but to watch himself kill his family.

Charlie could feel himself losing control again so he pulled away and signed teary eyed, "run away. Quick. And remember how much I love you. And your mother. Oh, your poor mother."

"No," Anthony said, shaking his head. He bit his trembling lips together.

"Oh, Anthony, for Gods sake—"

"I don't want to leave you."

"Never forget how much I love you. I love you so, so much."

Charlie crippled over and Anthony backed away. Charlie struggled under the possession of the hotel, and he finally went still. He looked back up at Anthony, with the sinister smile across his face. It tilted its head and asked, "you can't hear me, can you?"

Anthony was nearly paralyzed with fear. But, this confirmed Charlie's suspicions.

His grin grew wider, baring his bloodied and broken teeth at the boy. "This should be fun."

Anthony bolted out of the room, and knew Charlie was coming after him. He tried to lose Charlie by sneaking outside for a moment, and that's when he noticed the shed. There was a roque mallet leaning against the shed, nearly buried in the snow. With no other weapon, he grabbed it and snuck back inside.

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