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A sigh filled the room from the heap on the sofa bed that was Céleste Scott. The three boys stood with beers in their hands watching as her chest raised and fell and gentle breathes slipped from her lips, cautious not to wake her. The girl had had trouble with sleep for as long as they could remember, and it was common knowledge between them to let her sleep until she woke up; it was uncertain as to when she would next drift off. She had tried just about everything, but nothing seemed to help, she usually would only get to sleep on the verge of her breaking point.
"JJ, are you good to stay with sleeping beauty over there until she wakes up, while we pick up Kie? We'll meet you at that new build and put your bike in the van?"
The blonde boy nodded, eyes still puffy, knowing he would go straight back to bed as soon as they left. Pope laughed, "Maybe if you give her a kiss, she will wake up?"
Directing a glare at him, JJ whispered, "shut up man, she might hear you."
John B raised his eyebrows, "that girl is gonna be out for at least another hour or two, relax. We won't let her know your dirty little secret."
"I don't like her," JJ swiftly delivered his denial through gritted teeth.
"Yeah yeah, okay, bye, shit head."
As soon as the pair were out of sight, the boy gently lay down next to Céleste, where she buried her face into his side, and pulled his cap over his eyes.

"That's what, a three story fall onto the deck?"
"Ah, look what the tides finally brought in," John B pointed at the two blondes that were walking in.
Pope waved at the girl and then frowned, "you didn't have that one yesterday."
He was pointing at one of the tattoos on her arm. For an almost seventeen year old, she had a fair amount of tattoos scattered across her arms and torso. As far as her friends knew, they didn't have much meaning, just doodles she felt like doing: they wouldn't admit it, but she had become quite talented in her line work.
"Not even kidding, she woke up and like was tatting herself before she was even like properly awake."
The girl shrugged and opened a beer, before pulling a pouch out of her pocket and began rolling her and JJ a spliff each. He watched her do so out of the side of his eye so she couldn't see he was admiring her, or as he would say, her technique.
Bringing it to her lips, she took two deep breathes in and gazed out to the horizon, drowning out the others conversation with gentle hums.

This is what I see her torso looking like

This is what I see her torso looking like

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