Chapter Two

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     Wednesday, March twenty-fourth. A million thoughts in my head. He had been texting me, asking me all different questions. My heart about to beat out of my chest, I just had a feeling. He was about to make me even happier than he already had. 
     "Will you be mine? I want this. I want you. Forever." My mind started to spin, I started to lose focus. I've hurt him once before, I would hate to do it again. Even if it was unintentional. I froze. My fingers starting to move faster on the keyboard than my mind could process anything. 
     "Yes, of course. You don't know how long I've wanted this." I couldn't stop smiling. Little did I know, this boy would break my heart into billions of tiny pieces, leaving it unfixable. No matter how hard someone is willing to try, I'm broken.
     We talked for hours on end that night, catching up for the last couple months that we had lost contact. I didn't know I had it in me to love someone as much as I loved him. And he clearly didn't have it in his heart to feel the same. 
     The next morning, I got up for school, expecting a good morning text from him, and nothing. Not a single word since I said good night the night before. Did he not mean anything he said last night? Is this all a cruel joke, does he truly not want to be with me? As many bad thoughts as I had, I tried to ignore it and move forward. Maybe I was lost in my own thoughts. Maybe he just hasn't woken up yet. 
     2 hours pass, it's now nine o'clock in the morning, and still, nothing. The only notifications I had on my phone were from Gmail, when my teachers would post an assignment on Google Classroom. Maybe he's sick, or maybe he doesn't even remember asking me out. Whatever it is, I'll be okay. Everything will work out. 
     But will it, though? Will I really be okay? Will it all work out? Am I overthinking this? Maybe I should text first. But then again, what if I catch him at the wrong time and annoy him? 
     I decided to start my assignment. If he wants to talk to me, he'll text me. If he doesn't, he won't. It's simple. 
     As soon as that thought crossed my mind, my phone lit up. Mi Amor is typing... Finally. I really thought I did something wrong to make him hate me. 
     "Morning, bae. How'd you sleep?" Are you kidding me? School started two hours ago, and you're just waking up? I know I shouldn't be upset, but why. 
     "Morning." I didn't have the energy to answer his question. Why does he make me stress like this? He makes me happy, I think, but then again, he causes my anxiety. It shouldn't be like this, but it is. 
     "Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" No, of course not. You just made me overthink, for what? "Morning, bae"? Not even Good morning, my love. I'm sorry it took so long. How'd you sleep?
     "No, perfectly fine. Just stressed because of school, you know?" Of course he doesn't know. He has no clue how I really feel. Would it be the worst idea to let him in? 
     "That right there tells me something's wrong. What happened?" Nothing! Just leave it, okay? I'm fine. 
     "Everything's fine. Did you sleep well?" He better have. Because if he didn't, what was he doing all night while I was asleep? Talking to his ex? 
     "Yeah :)" Can he not see right through me? I'm making it perfectly clear that I'm upset, is he that blind? 

A Lost Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें