Chapter Three

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What's one thing about love that truly scares you? Getting hurt, or loving so hard that you're mind is overflowing with thoughts of them?
Because I'm afraid of love in general. The thought of ever falling in love again makes my lip quiver and causes my heart to skip a beat. What's the point of falling in love if you're just going to get hurt?
It may not be tomorrow, or the next day. It may not be seventy years in the future. But one day, they're going to leave. "Until death do us part..."
Everyone, and I mean everyone, goes through heartbreak at some point in their life. And the worst part, no one expects it, it just happens. Especially when you're at you're lowest in life, it comes in waves. One day you feel okay, nothing could possibly go wrong, then the next, you're in pieces. Like they tore your heart out all over again.
It doesn't matter if it happened an hour ago, it doesn't matter if it happened five years ago, you never truly move on. Things might get easier, but it never goes away. I can promise you that. It's not something I can prove just yet, you'll have to take my word for it.
I've seen it happen to the best of people. You know the quiet girl in the farthest corner of the class? She used to be the sweetest, most loving, free spirited person that you could ever lay eyes on. And now because of one boy, the glimmer in her eyes has turned to shadows. All she does is prey that one day, maybe, hopefully, he'll take her back. But until then, this is her, and she doesn't know how to fix herself. She's stuck.
But, love can also have positive effects. Remember that one boy, who used to go around pushing everyone into the same dark place he had fallen into? He is now the happiest, most caring person you could ever meet. All because of a girl, that changed his perspective on life without even trying.
Love can cause people to do crazy things... As you'll find out very, very soon. But until then, ask yourself, is it truly worth it? Do I have the mental strength to put myself through this yet?
The answer is almost always, no.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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