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5 PM

It was 2 hours before the dinner would start. Midoriya texted you while you were napping so when you woke up you saw that he said he would be a little late because of a client that was being difficult.

You reassured him that it's okay and you'd see him there.

Not too long after that Jiro had texted you saying her and the rest of the girls were at your house. You ran down the stairs to the front door and unlocked it revealing everyone who had smiles on their faces.

"Y/N!" They all hugged you tight almost like they were trying to suffocate you

"Hi!" You grunted out. They let you go after a few seconds so you could breath properly

"How are you?" Uraraka asked a little sadness in her voice

"I'm okay. I'm great actually! I just woke up from my power nap!" You say with glee

"Well that's good. Do you want to start getting ready?" Jiro asked kinda hurriedly

"Oh yeah! We're going to take awhile so we should get started now!" You all laughed making your way to your room

"I need to take a shower before I get ready if you don't mind Y/N. I had to go to work then come straight here." Uraraka asked. You told her she could then heard her sigh then decided to be funny and bring up what Midoriya saw her like this morning

"Shoto didn't make you late for work did he?" You asked innocently

"No he did-" She clasped a hand over her mouth quickly before she could let anyhing else escape but it was too late

"YOU SLEPT WITH SHOTO?!" Mina yelled through the whole empty house, her sentence bouncing off the walls as you snickered

"I didn't sleep with him-sleep with him! I fell asleep in his arms though..." She said twirling the strands of hair that framed her face

"That's so cute! But I gotta ask,"

"I don't get it, he's so awkward how'd you even keep a decent conversation?" Jiro inquired cutting off Mina to ask the question everyone was wondering

"I don't know Jiro, how do you talk to Denki without going stupid?" She asked a bit upset

"Hey, he's funny!" She shoved her laughing

"Y/N how'd you even find out we fell asleep next to each other?" Uraraka could've sworn no one was out in the backyard when she woke up. They were in the far corner of the deck, asleep in the gazebo

"Izuku saw you then told me." You shrugged. Uraraka was in disbelief and a little embarrassed she was caught with him but you were all glad it was Shoto and not another guy that was friends with Monoma.

You heard Uraraka sigh even more embarrassed that his best friend caught them

"Ochaco don't be embarrassed, he's a handsome guy and he seems nice. If you want to keep hanging it with him keep hanging out with him." You opened door then sat on your bed. The girls set down their bags and got out their outfits and makeup

"You're right, he is a pretty handsome guy," Uraraka agreed but before she went in to talk about him some more she remembered something important

"Y/N, I got you something for tonight." Uraraka said before stepping in your connected bathroom with her clothes and utilities

"It's in my duffel bag!" She yelled while shutting the door behind her. You looked in her duffle bag to see a green piece of clothing. You pull it out and it was a emerald green elegant long sleeved dress. You gasped at how beautiful it looked

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