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"Shoto, why the hell did your brother send me a gift?" You asked calling him on your way out the door of your house. You were in too much of a rush to check out what he sent you and you were honestly too afraid to open it

"Oh, you got it?" He asked as if it were expected

"Yeah? That's why I'm calling you." You said obviously, looking at the outside of your car carefully on the driver's side. You thought the spot above your drivers side tire looked damaged but it couldn't be, you got this car 6 months ago for a birthday present

Maybe someone scratched it...but it didn't look like it

"His club has an exclusive type of attire you need to wear, it's basically formal wear. He doesn't want you sticking out like a sore thumb if you show up in jeans and a t-shirt." Shoto explained as you could hear him typing away on his computer. You turned your attentions away from the weird spot on your car to unlock it and hop in before you're late

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything crazy."

Like a bomb

"Okay, is there any more questions you have?" Shoto politely asked. He had a meeting in 30 minutes but if you had anything else to ask him then he'd give you a proper response

"Yeah, has Izuku caught onto what I'm doing by any chance? I feel like he'd come to you if he had any concerns about me." You noticed yesterday that when you got up from your nap with him he was acting really strange. He kept stuttering over his words and wanted to ask you something but would always say never mind and to forget it

"Not really, but he tried to make plans for a double date for Thursday. I gave him a corporate excuse and he accepted the fact that I was busy." He said calmly into the phone. You opened your car door and threw your bag into the passenger seat to get ready to go to class. You hopped in and connected your phone to the blue tooth to continue talking to Shoto

"Hmm, okay. Thanks for finding the time to talk to me. I know you're busy." You said showing him much gratitude, I mean you wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to talk with Dabi if it weren't for Shoto

"It's no problem really Y/n. I know you care about Midoriya and I hope you find what you're looking for to help him." You smiled softly and put your car into reverse

"Yeah, I hope so too. Well, I'm not going to keep you so bye Shoto" You said ghosting your finger over the end call button

"Bye." He ended the call before you could. With that you played whatever your playlist landed on through your speakers and sped out of your driveway


2:30 PM

Finally, your last class of the day! After you were done here you'd go home and try on the dress Dabi got for you. It was really weird that he knew what size you wore when he's never seen you before. If it didn't fit you'd probably try to find one that's identical to it in your size

You also needed to go over what you wanted to say to him. You knew you needed Midoriya to get his life back, that was no question. You'd do your best to help him financially so he could follow his dreams. You didn't want him getting into unnecessary trouble

"Psst Y/n" Midoriya called for you

"Did you just 'psst' me?" You giggled thinking that it was the cheesiest thing ever

"I did." He smiled at you all dorky like, the kind that makes it so you could barely see his eyes because his cheeks were in the way, it was so cute

"Okay so what's the 'psst' for?" You asked him quietly so you didn't disturb the class

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