The Never Ending Day

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I knew I would have to find others that were out there who knew of this. But where? They are hidden under thousands of lies. A golden needle in a pile of thorns. Research... I raced to my computer only to find that it had been... Unplugged? Probably the force trying to stop me from discovering their mysteries. It knows, or they know that I'm trying to find out the answer to all of this vulgarity. So there I was, sat with a plug in my hand with my head being so blank and empty it almost hurt me. I was frozen in a dase, staring at the wall for a good ten minutes until I realised that I was in fact becoming a vegetable so I cautiously slipped the plug back in and started up my computer. Never have I been so eager for it to start, yet it took hours; well what felt like hours. So after what in reality was probably five minutes, the welcoming windows screen appeared. Firstly, I decided to search:
"Government Conspiracy Theories"
After scrolling through heaps of lies and hilariously fake stories, I found the golden needle. A woman who claimed she had felt the presence of this haunting entity. She believed it was conspiring against her, exactly like me. Her number was listed at the bottom so I knew precisely what to do:
Sleep. My eyes were desperately trying to force themselves shut and as hard as I tried to fight this, sleep had eventually grasped me and pulled me into its dark wrath. The next morning I woke with her number still on my phone and the chilling story still on my computer screen. I looked at the time. 10'o clock November 1st. I had slept for two days and as I tried to stand up my knees stiffened up and forced me down onto my kitchen floor. A hard and painful way down. I tried to pull me self up only to add salt to the wound, I fell over another time back down onto the floor. I genuinely feared that my legs had turned to a soft jelly like pulp. Eventually I managed to scramble back onto my computer chair and put myself back together again.
So then I figured that the only appropriate thing to do was call this woman named... 'Kalumnia'? Although she preferred to be called Kal, I couldn't help but wonder what it could possibly have meant.
So I rang the number, intently waiting for her to answer. It just kept ringing. Over and over again that dreadful ringing sound was making me feel sick. I just hoped to god that she would answer.
Then there was a sudden stop in the ringing. A piercing, aching silence.
"hello?" a soft voice mumbled down the phone.
"Hi, I read your blog I have experienced the same thing you are talking about," I enthusiastically shouted down the phone.
"it's a dangerous world. I suggest you keep out"
"but nothing" She rudely interrupted. "If you really want to put yourself in danger then go ahead, but I won't help you kill yourself,"
"I would kill myself anyway without your help, please," I felt several tears pouring down my cheek as I spoke.
"They are listening right now" She abruptly hung up and all I was left with was a cold beep sending a shiver down my spine.

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