The Fraudulent Curse

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November 21st 2002 Diary Entry:
It has been what 20 days? 20 days since I decided that I will not give into some stupid poltergeist. It has made my life hell in ways I'm not willing to say. What happened between now and then has changed me. My mother has been trying desperately to force me into the doctors; she thinks I have gone loopy.
Let's just say this: I will never get out of this unscathed.

As I released my fingers from the keyboard I felt a short period of relief. This was soon destroyed by the ominous clicking sound that I heard eerily making It's way towards me. I could not bare the torture anymore but I felt my legs being dragged behind me. It's seems I don't have a choice.
What happens next is to gruesome, too sorrowful for you to ever understand so I might as well just skip this part.
I awoke after another 2 day long nap which was the usual for now. My house was broken, torn apart. Letters scattered across the room, chairs balances had been tipped as they lay on the floor like victims of a great battle. But throughout the tremendous chaos, my hallway was ... Clean? As if it had never been touched. It made me feel ever so uncomfortable. My stomach and heart had practically dropped onto the floor. I picked them up so I could move on to see the white speck that was too much for my bad eyes to clarify. As I moved closer, the blur revealed a single parcel, carefully placed on my welcome mat.
In a daze I threw myself at the parcel as if it would reveal the answer to some great phenomenon that was occurring around me . I tore it open, blistering my fingers and hands at the sheer force at which I was bursting the wrapping away. There were layers and layers of wrapping and it seemed that the more I tried, the less the secrets took to unravel. My fingers were being sawn down to the bone. Why was it so painful, so horrifying, so tortuous? It seemed that my torment could never end. My hands were now growing weak and limp as I poured my last drop of energy out into this stupid, puny little fucking parcel. I let my body fall onto the floor as if death was forthcoming.
I felt sweat run through the cracks and wrinkles of my pockmarked face like rivers. That's when the tears began; the painful sobbing in which floods of tears rolled down my cheeks. My eyes were tightly stapled shut as I could not bare the sight of... That furious little shit. As if that could overcome me? THAT?! What had I let myself become.
As my eyelids released their grip and I opened my eyes I saw the parcel beginning to unravel. Now I understood.
I have to just... Not care. I could not let it get to me otherwise it would win.
It seemed that my struggle had become ever so slightly more bearable.
I stared as the bindings around the parcel released their grip to reveal a... What?
A battery? Is that it?
What is a battery going to do for me? I pondered as I picked it up and walked back to my sofa.
Then I was plunged into the darkness. That kind of nightmarish black that surrounds you and suffocated you with torment. I froze still, Sat stark upright with my eyes shut forming a mental barrier towards my anxieties, which were slipping into my consciousness like smoke through a door.
Suddenly that perculiar smell creeped into my nasal cavity;smoke. Ironically.
But my head creates reality and what I think becomes real.
Because my senses are all in my head; a rather interesting and very long dream. A felt a tap on my shoulder but it could have been several other points on my body. My thoughts became liquid; trickling through like icy cold streams, binding me to the chair.
A frail old voice cracked in my direction "Hello?". I could not speak, an incredibly strong and awkward silence stormed over me and this enigma which I presumed to be a product of my thoughts.
"Hello?" There it was, that now familiar groan.
Quickly, it dawned on me that this was real. Electricity raced down my spine and through my body down into my fingertips. Then I found myself crack and whine as I found my voice and my senses became reality once again.

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