Chapter 13

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"Oh, hello." A blonde woman says standing in the door way. Gerard's Mum, I guessed.

"Hi, I'm here to see Gerard." I burst out urgent to see him.

"Okay well come on in, I was just heading out." She opens the door wider for me to get in and I can't help but notice the redness of her eyes.

"Thanks." I mumble as she steps out and shuts the door.

I march up the stairs straight to Gerard's room knowing where it is from the first time I came here. I open the door roughly and Gerard is sprawled on the bed head in his hands. My blood begins to boil as I take in his clearly un-ill state.

"Daisy?!" He asked, looking up, shocked. "What the-" But I cut him off unable to hold in my angst.

"Why didn't you come Gerard?! I waited for ages and you never came, then I went to School and you ditched!" I yelled making no effort to quieten my voice.

"I got held up, I'm sorry." He mumbled but his voice had not even a smidge of sincerity.

"Why didn't you text me?!" I demanded getting louder and louder. "WHY?!"

"Just shut the fuck up!" Gerard yelled. My face held a shocked expression for a minute but it was soon replaced by rage.

"I thought you liked me Gerard!" I continued. "I thought-"

"Well you were wrong! How could I like a no good anorexic?!"

"You can not speak to me like that!" I gasped. " kissed me! How do you kiss someone you don't even like?!"

"It was a kiss on the cheek okay, get over it." He hissed harshly.

"But-" I began my lips trembling.

"Just leave Daisy! Get out of here." He yelled standing up.

"You are just like him." I spat revolted and feeling like a fool.


"Jack! He cheated on me with a girl and broke my heart, he ripped me to shreds! And you're doing to same."

"You're not worth breaking."

I gulped down my now forming lump and felt the familiar tightening in my chest and had to leave. I stormed out slamming Gerard's door then stumbled into the road. I sat hunched on the pavement trying to breathe and howling violently.


Gerard's POV:

You ruin everything you fuck up! I screamed to myself. I kept replaying the hurt on Daisy dolls face as I had said those things. Why had I said those things?!

I walked over to my mirror looking at my self disgusted. "You're a monster." I barked aloud then brought my fist up and punched my appearance. Shards of glass rained down and I picked up the sharpest one I could find.

I began manically slicing, my hair riddled with sweat and..and blood. I finally felt enough pain and looked down at my sleeve a mass of fabric and ichor.



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