Chapter 1 - Zero to Hero

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The 16 students were in a situation where they had to accept what was currently going on, as of now they were currently in the gym, reading through everything

Alaba: so it's all real, this killing game is really happening

Flora: unless all this is some high massive joke

Hana: I do wish this was the case

Noriaki: fraid it ain't that simple, this sure feels like a real thing

Yui: this is way too much effort for a simple joke

Daisuke: whoever did this ain't right in the head

Aozora: no shit

Kaizo: well I see no problem with killing personally

Emalga: you can't be serious!

Kaizo: well I am, killing and getting away with it? That's my talent in a nutshell

Kani: if you even think about trying to strike anyone down you'll have me to deal with

Kani drew her sword

Aozora: yeah he'll be real scared of the girl blind as a bat

Nyoko: doll she is still the Ultimate Bodyguard

Noa: that is not a sword I would want to met with

Jiro: Jiro believe we should stop fighting

Masa: yeah we should be friends not enemies

Aozora: we are enemies, no other way about it

Aozora walked out with a sneer

Noriaki: get back here!

Kei: leave him, it's clear he isn't gonna listen

Hiroshi: so...what do we do now?

Alaba: well we've only been to the gym right?

Noa: it would do us some credit to look around the area

Hiroshi: so we should split up

Noriaki: hang on we need some groups and it's gotta be some people who won't start fights

Kei: well me and Jiro have similar talents so we have some topics

Jiro: Jiro happy to talk with you

Flora: kyu Nyoko is fun

Nyoko: darlin you are some fun

Hiroshi: I gotta try the Ultimate Maid's food

Yui: if I may, my current task is to explore not feed

Hiroshi: ah yeah

Masa: I want Miss Noa!

Noa: oh Miss I can tell you will be fun

Daisuke: I uh I don't think we should let her be with Masa

Masa: why not?

Noa: yes why not Dai Dai~

Daisuke: uk

Hana. I'll probably need protection from Aozora

Kani: if it's protection you need I am your girl

Alaba: not many options left huh

Emalga: whatever I'll join you

Noriaki: Kaizo, Daisuke we got this area

Kaizo: I'm assuming it's due to my criminal nature

Noriaki: also cause you two can help move stuff

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