Chapter 4 - Fallen from a lower height

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Bong Ding Bong Ding

Moneko: wake up my dear students the time for the gym and dining hall to open is now

As this was the third time they had been in a post trial state, the group were more then aware of what to do now, they got up, exited and went to the dining area where they would talk about plans for the day

Kaizo: the table has gotten smaller since we were here last

Noa: well there's no Jiro, no Kei and no Noriaki, so that is only natural

There were now only eight people in the room hardly making for half the group

Hiroshi: honestly I'm just glad we can eat Masa's food again since we got no reason to suspect him

Masa: thanks big bro Hoshi

Daisuke: costed us a hell of a lot to get there

Hana: they didn't deserve this's too unfair

Losing both Alaba and Jiro at once and then learning why they died, it had hurt moral significantly

Kani; right with Noriaki stuck in his room I suppose I'll be taking charge in the meantime

Flora: hard to be against that kyu

Kani: like last time we will have to be checking a new floor today, however because of the number of us someone has to be alone now I understand if no one wants that

Kaizo: the last I checked there are eight of us

Hana: oh well I'm not actually going to be exploring the new floor, Kani asked me to do something today

Hiroshi: well if it's safe I suppose it's hard to complain

Hana: it will be you guys just think about who you want to pair with

Hiroshi: yeah...hmm who haven't I really talked-

Masa: I pick big bro Hoshi!

Hiroshi: or I'm going with Masa

Kaizo: I make no worries with who I go with

Daisuke: yeah same, I've been with Kani a little too much lately

Noa: neat well I'm picking Flora

Flora: me?

Noa: I have my reasons~

Kani: do you two mind if I go alone?

Daisuke and Kaizo turned to each other and nodded making it clear this would be ok

Flora: with that decided let's go kyu!

The group, minus Hana, went to the new fourth floor as for the Ultimate Climber

First floor - Hallways - 10:20am

Emalga: man I miss talking to Alaba, at least his room was close, Nori isn't even on this side

Since Alaba's death, Emalga hasn't been able to talk to anyone trapped in their room, it's true that she could technically leave her room thanks to her friends but she knows it will only cause problems for them and herself

Hana: there you are Emalga

Emalga: Hana? Aren't you meant to be exploring the other floor?

Hana: Kani wanted me to do something a little more helpful

Emalga: more helpful then looking around a new place? Well now you have to tell me

Hana: Kani wants me to free you and Nori

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