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I slowly opened my eyes as soon as I heard my alarm clock and the banging on my door from my mother. "Honey, wake up! Come on it's the last day of school!" I stood up and started to change in my normal clothes. (F/c) shorts/trousers and a (f/c) Shirt/hoodie. As soon as I was ready I went in the bathroom and brushed my (h/l) (h/c) hair and also brushed my teeth. After that I went in my room again and packed my schoolbag.
Today's the last school day... hopefully it ends fast so I can watch IT again...
When I was done packing I took my schoolbag with me, went downstairs, grabbed an Apple (or if you don't like Apples imagine smth else) from the kitchen and yelled "Goodbye Mom!" She answered "Goodbye honey! Have a nice last day!"
Then I went out of the house and made my way to school. On my way I ate the Apple (or a fruit of your choice or smth else). When I finally arrived I went to my locker to see the lovely writings on it. 'Slut' 'Bitch' 'Go die <3' and a few more. The teachers? They don't care, like anybody else.
I could just dissappear, nobody would care anyway..
I went to class. It was quite... too quiet. Until now Jessica (sorry if your name is Jessica lmao 😭 was the first name that came to my mind) would've already called me 'a Slut' or make other stupid comments about me. It was very odd that she did do nothing. But that's okay for me though.

~Time skip to after school~

I stood up from my desk and made my way outside. Finally, school is over. Now I can go home and watch IT.

Or so I thought.

Right after I left the school grounds I was pulled in an alley way and I was pushed against a wall. Guess who it was? Yep, Jessica and her goons. She reminds me so much of Henry Bowers and his group... or even Greta and her friends...
"Hey you little piece of shit. Since it's the last day of school we wanted to remind you that if the vacation's over it won't get better for you bitch." As soon as Jessica said that I felt a stinging pain in my face, more precisely, at my nose and soon I felt a warm liquid coming out.
And as much as I wanted to return a punch, I just couldn't.
They're outnumbered. So even if I would punch her here and now, her goons would either punch me back or would do other hurtful things.

Jessica pushed me against the wall and soon she and her goons left. I continued my way home, my eyes stung with tears. I grabbed a fistful of my hair and some angry tears left my eyes.
I don't wanna do this anymore... everything just sucks! I have no friends, I have no one that cares about me and the only escape I had until now were fictional characters, lovely

When I came back home I went straight in my room and locked the door. I went over to my mirror, took a tissue and wiped my bloody nose. It was swollen and kind of blue and green. But it doesn't matter.
I have enough of everything, I'm going to watch IT the last time now and then I'm gonna end this pathetic life

And so I did. I switched my laptop on, went on Netflix and started IT.

Gosh, I wish I had friends like this. They're outsiders, get bullied, just like me with the difference that they seem more cool and they have each other...
And then there is Bill... his cute stuttering and he cares a lot about his friends... I might have a little Crush on him... if he would be real that is
Oh I wish I could be in their World...

What I didn't know, this wish will come true.

The movie took its end and I switched off my laptop. I looked through my room. And then, I left.

After a while of walking the sun was setting and I came to a cliff. I looked down.
Should be high enough
I took a last breath
Maybe we'll see us somewhere in another life, Bill Denbrough
Mom, Dad, I'm sorry.

Then I jumped and everything went black...


Hey ho my fellows
I hope you like how this story begins
I'll update as soon as I can and hopefully my motivation stays
If there are grammar mistakes, etc. Pls correct me, I would be grateful about that cause English isn't my first language so yeah
Hope y'all have a nice day/night/morning/etc <3
Your Author, Jake

Word count: 807

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