Chapter 1

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I woke up to someone yelling. "Y/n, y/n wake up! We're gonna be late for the last day of school because of you!" I slowly opened my eyes.

Am I dead..?

I looked around and saw a familiar figure standing in a doorway. I was confused but I played along "Yeah, yeah, already up" I yawned. If I'm not mistaken this boy there looks exactly like Richie Tozier. He left the room and I got up. I tried to remember what exactly happened

So I jumped down this cliff and then everything went black, but... I didn't die? Or did I? As for now it seems like I'm in my favorite movie IT... Is this the Afterlife and I'm dead after all? But... it feels so real...

I decided that I should find out more so I can be sure I am not dead. So I walked to the closet in this room and looked for something to wear. I found (f/c) shorts and a (f/c) Shirt and changed myself into it. After that I left my room and went downstairs to see the boy who looks like Richie sitting at a table and eating cereal. I walked to the table and sat down too. Luckily he already got a second bowl prepared, would've been embarrassing asking him where they are, because it seems like I already lived here before I woke up. I went to the table and sat down across from him, grabbing the cereal and putting some in my bowl, afterwards I pour the milk in and start eating. "Is something wrong with you? You're normally not this quiet Y/n". I looked up and had to come up with a quick lie: "It's nothing, really. I'm just a bit tired, that's all" I scratched my neck.

It's really strange that he's calling me by my real name... this is some messed up shit dream, this can't be real, can it? I mean, it really has to be a dream just randomly spawning in your favorite movie, right?

Richie got me out of my thoughts "We should hurry up, or we're gonna be late" he said while standing up and putting his bowl away. I finished quickly and also put my bowl away. We grabbed our school bags and made our way to two bicycles. I wait until he takes his, because I can't tell which one is supposed to be mine. We made our way to school.

Fuck... I don't even know which classes I take

I panic. If I'll ask Richie then he would definitely know that something is clearly wrong, because, who would forget their classes? Again, he got me out of my thoughts "Have fun in your classes with Bill" he grins and then goes his own way.

Great... now I have to find-

Someone approached me from behind, I turned around and saw my life saver, Bill Denbrough.

Thank god that I didn't had to search for him... he looks more handsome in person that in the movie...

I shook my head

Don't think like that, I still don't know what's going on

"H..Hey Y/n" he smiled and I instantly smiled back and answered "Hey Bill"
We went to class in a comfortable silence. I assume that my seat is beside him, so in every class I'm going to sit next to him. I take my things out, a pen and a college block. What I notice is, that it is brand new, there are no notes inside, nothing. I just leave it at that because a teacher came in and the classes start.

~Time skip after school~

The bell rang and Bill and I made our way out of the classroom. It was really fun, we talked then and there and all in all I found out that he's much cuter in real than in the movie. We met Richie and Eddie in the hallway and went our way out of the school.

I think the conversation about Stan's bar mitzvah is about to happen

"...there's this church full of jews"
"So how's it work?" Bill starts asking.
Eddie answered "They slice the tip of his dick off"
"But then he'd have nothing left"
I hold my laugh. I just like Richies jokes, sometimes at least.
Stan then joins the group "Hey guys"
Bill then asks him "Wh..what happens at the bar mitzvah anyway? Eddie says they c..cut the tip of you d..dick off"
Richie interrupts "Yeah, and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down his pants, turns to the crowd and is like, where's the beef?" He laughs.
"Well, I read some stuff from the Torah and make a speech and then suddenly I become a man"
"I can think of funner ways to become a man" typical Richie
"More fun, you mean"
On our way out we see Bowers and his goons.

"I need you" ~ a Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now