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Hello my fellow fnaf fans yes its me i am doing a fnaf book after my first one failed 😞
Au facts are not interesting enough i gusse well the Au fact book gets its second part with my new au!

Now to the point this book always has 2 chapters for 1 day! From 12am to 12pm is the fist chapter of the year day and from 12pm to 12am gose the second chapter

You all have to gusse what is happening in the second half of the day or the next day

If this book get like 10k reads i will change the Titel to 2 weeks with the aftons and so on and on well i hope you enjoy reading this!

Every chapter will have like an other perspective the Frist one is in 3rd person

Btw i make a new chapter every week

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A normal week with the aftons *DISCUTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now