~*.:Chaper 1:.*~

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Unknown POV:

Since we're going to spend some time together I would like to introduce myself to the known audience! My name is Earth! Yes like the planet Earth, as a matter of fact I am planet earth, and everything that happens in your perspective is what happens to me.

For Example: pollution, war, forest fires, tsunamis, and many other enjoyable disasters that you humans love to createand experience!!

Now enough about that, I'm not trying to guilt trip anyone into thinking about that, but it would be appreciated if something was done to help with it. But enough, like I said this story is about meand my life so far as a planet living with other planets and black holes and stars and such things roaming the universe. So let me tell my life story on how I came to existence and what life is like and how I fell in love with my partner, and how I had children and how they had children of their own.
No one's POV:

It was a fine and lovely day, the sky was a beautiful purple mixed with black while swirling with blue with just a hint of pink peaking here and there, now there was a child being born on this lovely day, the mother going through the hard labor of birthing the child as well as the father supporting her and encouraging her through the pain and panic of having another child. Now the mother and father were both black holes, they were both shunned away from society because of the stereotype going around about black holes being cold and heartless towards others, but it wasn't true about the black holes, well maybe some black holes fit the stereotype, but no one likes to be stereotyped to a category when something isn't true.

They sure didn't like that so they started another stereotype, and that was about stars. Stars were known to be the rich people, the stuck-up beings, the talk of the town (mostly good things because of the stereotype of black holes), the stereotype for the stars was that they thought they were too good to talk to anyone and that they were better because they had more money, but the stereotypes aren't true for either side, well as far as we know.

Now the blackhole mother, Xyla, was a sweet, caring, kind, and gentle lady, who loved everyone and everything, and she loved her husband and child more than life itself, and now she has more love to share and that's with the new babe being born into the family of three.

The father, Zuntel, was a gentle, quiet, stern but sweet type of gentleman, he would bring home the dough and provide for his family, and learning that he would have a second child, he was through the roof excited for this new babe to be with them.

Learning that she was about to have a sibling made Mars very happy, she was daydreaming of spoiling the new babe with toys, hugs and kisses, and many other things to be the best big sister she can become.

The mother was breathing heavy and trying to push the babe to meet the newest member of the family, she was hoping it would be another girl, and she prayed for the babe to be a female. While she prayed as much as she can while pushing the babe out she could only think of how cute and sweet the babe will become, and be just like "her" older sister, or maybe be strong and independent like herself, she was daydreaming all sorts of things of the new baby "girl" and with a final push, the babe was born.

The mother was exhausted from all the pushing and stress her body was put through but she wanted to see for herself what the gender was going to be,

"Yes ma'am??"

"Could you please tell me the gender of my baby?"

"Yes of course! The baby's gender is....."

When her question was answered she froze in place,
The baby is a....boy? She couldn't believe it, her child she so desperately wanted to be a girl, was a boy, a BOY, the daydream she had of the little girl she wanted was shattered into a million pieces all because she had a boy, she loathed boys for so many reasons, they were reckless, they were loud, rebellious, horny, and even dirty.

She wanted to bawl her eyes out, in which she didn't to show that she was strong, No.... I have to be calm maybe he got it wrong...yeah that's it! The baby is a little princess, a cute little girl that would have pretty long hair, and love dresses with matching bow ties to go with them. Yeah he just got it wrong!! Don't worry Xyla...everything's fine!

Boy was she wrong, the baby was in fact a boy, a cute little boy, when his father heard that the babe was a boy he wanted to cry,

"Can I hold him for a moment?"

"Of course sir! Here you go."

The doctor handed Zuntel the little baby boy, Zuntel then cradled the little babe in his arms remembering when he held Mars for the first time. Oh how could I forget this feeling? I just can't believe that this is my baby boy! It feels good to have a beautiful son. He watched as the baby started to fuss, the baby then began to cry while Zuntel held him, the doctor then gave him a bottle of formula because Xyla fell asleep due to the stress out on her body.

"Thank you sir.... I don't know how else we would have gotten our babies without your help!"

"It was not problem sir, I'm just doing my job as a baby doctor."

"Please call me Zuntel, these no need for formalities!"

"Of course sir- I mean Zuntel"

Zuntel laughed at the doctors mistake and realized the baby had vitiligo, a rare skin disease causing some parts of the skin to not produce much melanin which is what gives us our skin colors, and he also realized that the babe had two different colors to the skin instead of having one, the colors were a vibrant but soft peridot type of green, with the softest of lapis lazuli blue coloring his skin, and to make him look even more beautiful was the multicolored hair that can be spotted on the babe from anywhere.

He started to tear up while looking down at HIS baby boy, he was determined to love the babe as much as he loves his wife and daughter. Excited to show his little girl her new sibling, he sped out the door out into the hall scanning the place for his little princess.

After looking for her for a few seconds he spotted her sitting with other kids playing with them and having fun, he started towards her in attempt to show her the new babe, but then he also saw stars sitting there watching the kids play, he felt a wave of uncomfortableness wash over him like a tidal wave crashing to shore.

He didn't let the fear of being stared at with disgust get into he way of seeing his daughter. He made a beeline towards her in attempt to avoid the intense stares being targeted to him.

But as it would seem, luck was not on his side as a star, maybe in her mid 40's stopped him from making it to Mars, she spoke in a harsh tone, "And what relation do you have with this little girl?"

She continued to stare daggers at Zuntel as he stumbled for words, you see he never was good with people that were rude and loud, and with the lady getting short with him made his uncomfortable,

"Ma'am, I-I would like to say that s-she's my d-daughter, and I would like to show her her little brother if you d-don't mind...", he muttered loud enough for her to hear.

"Nonsense! I demand to know why you want to pray on this little girl!" The lady screeched while stomping her foot, grabbing the attention from all the bystanders and some unoccupied doctors and nurses. Zuntel was close to tears as he didn't have Xyla with him to help him from having a panic attack from all the added pressure, What do I do?! If she doesn't stop yelling soon I might have a panic attack! He stood there not knowing what to do with the screaming lady, the crying babe in his arms, his worried daughter behind the lady and all the eyes staring at him with disgust and worry

Word count :1464

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