~*.:Chapter 2:.*~

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    Zuntel was getting worried on what everyone was thinking around him, hyperventilating from all the added stress the lady was giving him, his vision was getting blurry with hot tears streaming down his face, signaling that he was uncomfortable with the situation, but the lady didn't stop her incoherent screeching and demanding of his relations with his daughter.

    "STOP!" A voice was heard from down the hall, all the attention including the lady was directed to the voice, which was in fact Xyla, holding onto the wall for support, "What is the meaning of all this racket?! I don't know if you can tell, but I just came out of child labor and was trying to get some sleep, until I heard you yelling at my husband! Now what's the meaning of this?!"

    The lady was taken aback, a blackhole stood up to her and her 'reasoning', she sputtered for words, and at the same time she felt someone small push past her, revealing the little girl she was so desperately trying to 'protect' from the blackhole male. The little girl known as Mars ran to her father with warm tears spilling down her cheeks, "PAPA!!" Mars squealed, the lady saw this little girl hugging the male in front of her, and she was flabbergasted and embarrassed to say the least.

"Y-you know this man little g-girl?" The lady questioned with a stutter, Mars looked up at the concerned star and smiled," Yes silly! He's my papa!" The star became flush with embarrassment, she also became a stuttering mess, trying to apologize over and over to Zuntel.

    "No no it's ok! Really!" Zuntel exclaimed waving his hand back and forth trying to not attract anymore attention towards the four. But did that work? Not really... but it did make some people uninterested in them. After the whole commotion ended, Xyla, proceeded towards her room to try to get some more sleep that was so desperately needed. Zuntel could do elk this and went to help his wife out all the while bring their children with them.

    Mars confused on who her papa was holding,  she bumped into someone. Being told before, when someone or you bump into someone always apologize to keep from starting a fight, taking this advice her dad told her, she apologized quick-like not letting eyes roam from its place on the ground scared of looking up at the stranger thinking she would make one wrong move and cause something to happen, "it's ok!" The person responded, they then walked away.

    Mars was content with the answer the person gave her, and continued towards her father. Zuntel was already in the room helping Xyla get back in bed, also holding the little boy. Mars walked up towards her parents, then proceeded to tug on her father's sleeve looking up at him with concern, "papa?" She squeaked out while holding on his sleeve.

"Yes sweetie?" He looked down at her answering her, "who are you holding?" She mumbled loud enough for him to hear, he smiled at her question, then bent down to her level and had her look at the little babe he was holding. Her eyes started fo sparkle seeing her little sibling, " is he my little brother?" She asked showing she was excited, Zuntel chuckled at his daughter with the sparkle in her eyes.

    "Yes baby girl, yes he is."

When they got home

    Xyla was finally discharged from the hospital and was able to go home, when she found out that her baby was indeed a boy she devoted herself to make the boy as respectful as they can come. Mars was so happy for her family to come back home finally, even though she was happy about that she was even more happy to be able to sleep in her room again. And with that thought she took her shoes off set them down and ran up to her room wanting to dive face first into her bed that she didn't even put her bag down to get comfortable, she was then knocked out cold from the sudden comfort of her bed and drifted off to sleep.

    Zuntel and Xyla laughed at seeing their daughter running up to her room, Xyla then proceeded to go to the couch with the babe in her arms, content with making this baby boy the best he could be as she would raise him to be. Zuntel put everything in its place and even set up a place to put the baby while they rested in the living room, with that done he took the babe from his wife and set the now sleeping babe into the makeshift crib while he went upstairs to make the main crib. Xyla decided to make dinner for the three of them to eat later in the day. So getting up from her spot off the couch, got to work on making a homemade dish.

Time skip to dinner time when everyone was done with their food

Once everything was cleaned up from dinner and the dishes were done, Xyla went to go feed the babe who was now crying from hunger.
"Shhh" she cooed at the babe in her arms, preparing to feed the baby with her breast. And that was the night that their life would change forever

To be continued....
Word count:895

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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