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Trixie and Katya had been living in their new house for 2 years now. Trixie finished beauty school, and she was working as a MUA and sales clerk at MAC. It didn't pay well but she enjoyed it. Since Katya saw her father at the wedding they kept in touch, and he asked her to launder some money. She would buy properties all over LA with the money and pay someone else to manage them while her bank account got bigger. She sent half back to Russia but what was left was more than enough. Trixie was scared about it, she kept telling Katya that she would get caught and sent to prison leaving Trixie all alone. Katya reassured her and invested even more. Trixie remembered how Katya promised her to never go back in the mafia. But she let it slip because she loved her.

When Trixie hit 25 she was the most spoiled wife in the world, Katya was a multi-millionaire by now. But their perfect life came to a halt when Katya was arrested for fraudulent placements. Trixie was at work when it happened. She got a call from an unknown number and heard Katya's voice on the other end. She was in an interrogation room with her lawyer. Trixie's heart stopped and she had to sit down. The Russian explained everything, said that her father was aware and hired the best lawyer for her. For now it was only an interview, and there was nothing to worry about according to her. Trixie cried silently and nodded. She was angry, she was afraid, it was too much for her. Trixie couldn't work for the rest of the day. She felt sick and was allowed to go home. After many hours of sleeping, thinking and crying, she heard the front door open. She didn't move from the bed and greeted Katya like she would usually do. The Russian walked to their room and knocked softly, sitting down next to Trixie who was turning her back to her. She rubbed her shoulder and sighed.

"I'm sorry" Katya said.
"You lied to me. I hate you. I don't want you to work with your father anymore. We have enough money to live twice so stop it."
"I know I know. But I can't just throw everything away. I'm responsible for the business here and many people will be on my back if I stop."
"So what are you gonna do? Go to jail because your own family might kill you? This is insane" Trixie shouted.
"I will make things work. I need to breathe and I can't be there to comfort you and solve this situation at the same time" Katya replied like she was annoyed.
"Well let me make things easier for you!" Trixie cried getting up off the bed and throwing her wedding ring on the ground, running out of the room to the front door. She called an uber and waited on the sidewalk tears still running down her cheeks. She knew she overreacted but she wanted to make things clear. She wouldn't stay if it meant watching the love of her life go down because of her illegal lifestyle. Trixie arrived to her mother's house and ran to her room.

Katya couldn't hold back the tears while looking at the shiny jewelry on the ground. She hated herself. Why would she run back to the very thing she ran from? She didn't need her father's money and didn't need his respect. She needed Trixie. She swore that she would never have any kind of relations with the mafia after leaving Russia, but apparently she forgot all about what it means to be in the mob. Once you're in there's only three ways to leave : have somebody operate your business for you, disappear, or get killed. Katya knew what she had to do. She called Grichka and explained that she was in trouble and needed to retire for good. She detailed how she planned to get out of it. Katya would found a company to manage her properties and 'sell' it to Grichka, who would then be able to employ other friends and make good benefits. It was more difficult for the law to watch over a firm's finances and Grichka was experimented. The scheme was perfect, but it would take at least 3 months to get everything in order. Katya was scared Trixie wouldn't come back until then.

Katya then called her father and had a very long conversation with him, that ended by her saying "I would lose anything and anyone for her."

She wanted Aleksandr out of her life forever. When she finally did all that could be done for now, it was already midnight. She went straight to bed and told herself Trixie would not want to see her so soon anyway.

Trixie was moping. Katya and her never had a fight. When they disagreed they talked it out, no matter if it lasted a few minutes or a few hours. Neither of them ever raised their voice, which Trixie did today. She messed up and Katya didn't chase her, which hurt more than anything. She felt so lonely. Trixie was deprived of her joy and energy. Her body and mind were tired of this exhausting day so she fell asleep at 9 pm.

Trixie woke up the next morning against her will. She didn't want to face her problems. She didn't have the strength to reach out to Katya even if she needed it. Thankfully the Russian knew her well and sent the first text.

Wife 🐱❣️: Things are sorted out. I'll be free of all my occupations in some months. Do you want to talk? I can come pick you up tell me where you are. I love you bunny, I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I miss you.

Trixie simply said that she was at her mom's house. She would tell Katya all the other things when her wife could hold her in her arms. Only a few minutes later someone knocked on the door. Since Trixie was home alone she went downstairs, checking herself in the mirror before opening. She looked like a mess, but she felt like it too so there was no point in hiding it. She opened the door and Katya stood there with an apologetic smile. Trixie rushed in her arms and hugged her tightly.

"Let's go inside" Katya whispered before picking her up and going to Trixie's bedroom. She laid the blonde down in her bed and sat beside her. Katya kissed her lightly and started to tell her wife about how she was going to fix things.

"Thank you" Trixie said once she finished.
"It was the right decision. Now it's only gonna be me and you okay? I regret not seeing things were getting out of hand before they affected you. You made me realize that you're my only priority. Are you still mine?"
"Yes honey why are you even asking?"
"Here" Katya replied pulling out Trixie's ring from her pocket and sliding it on her finger.
Trixie smiled and they kissed holding each other close. Both remembered how this moment was similar to the night Trixie admitted her feelings for Katya. Four years later their love was flourishing again in the same room.

"I want to go home" Trixie said when they parted.
"Okay babygirl"

They arrived in their house and spent the day together, not leaving each other's side for a minute.

"I want you to paint me" Trixie stated as they ate diner on their terrace.
"I would love to but I haven't practiced in so long... I don't know if I can depict your true beauty with my skills"
"Come on honey I know you do. Just try for me. I'll tell you if it's not good" Trixie giggled.
"Oh I have no doubt!" Katya laughed.
"I'm gonna take a canvas and all my stuff. Pick a place and a pose, I'll be right back." She added.

When Katya came back 5 minutes later, her wife was laying on her side on a deckchair her head propped up on her hand. She was completely naked, except for the rock on her finger. The low sun casted warm colors on her curvy body.

"Wow" Katya said under her breath. Trixie smiled to her and the Russian settled all her stuff. She quickly started tracing out Trixie's body, and realized how easy it was for her. That gave her more time to replicate the beautiful colors. The sun disappeared before Katya could do all the details but she was still proud of the outcome. She picked up the painting and told Trixie to come with her inside. Katya put it to dry against a wall and wrapped her arms around her wife.

"My baby's so talented" Trixie complimented.
"And my baby's so pretty" Katya replied her lips almost touching Trixie's. She gave her a quick peck and pulled away.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" Katya asked looking intently at her girl.
"Uhm yes why?"
"I didn't mean to but I saw your search history on your laptop the other day... If you wanna go see a doctor to find a way to get you pregnant let me be with you. Even if I won't be a biological parent it will still be our baby right?"
Trixie felt tears prick in her eyes. She laid her head against Katya's shoulder and exhaled deeply.
"Yes yes of course. I'm sorry. I didn't want you to feel left out. I'm not sure yet and I don't want to annoy you. I've been going back and forth for months and it's upsetting me because this is an important decision."
"It's okay bunny you can always change your mind even last minute. I'm here for you no matter what you decide. Let's do this together."
"Thank you. I'm so in love with you Katya"
"Me too. You have no idea."


That's the end!
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