Chapter Two - Sweet And Sour

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District Two Reapings

Mayson Quartz P.O.V

I speed inside the forest, trying to beat my girlfriend, Quorra in this race. So far, she is winning.

"C'mon slowpoke." Quorra giggles. I smirk and speed up. I catch up to Quorra and playfully push her out the way. Quorra groans and tries to speed past me.

I look at my watch that I got from my trip to the capitol.

2 : 00

I stop in my tracks. Quorra catches up to me.

"Why's you stop?" Quorra asks. "Quorra we have to go get ready for the reaping." I state. I look at Quorra and see she's looking at me dumbfounded. "Why? What's the point? Us children didn't do anything throughout the war!" We were born after the war!" Quorra chants.

"I know, but if we don't go... The Capitol has cruel punishments and strong enforcement. If we don't go then you have two things that may happen, one death, two go into the games then die, so basically one choice." I reply.

"I don't care! I'm not going!" Quorra shouts. "But-"

"I'm not going!"

I sigh in annoyance. "Suit yourself." I state blandly and walk to my home. I get there in five minutes and sigh.

Please don't let Quorra get hurt.

I walk in the house and see my mother. "Mayson! Go get ready for the Reapings, quick! You have 50 minutes! Go!" Mom shouted. I dash upstairs and look to see a tuxedo on my bed.

I rush in my bathroom and take a bath. I wash and then brush my teeth. I walk back to my room and put on the tuxedo. I quickly walk out the door because I ate before I left to the forest. I get to the square in ten minutes.

I get in line, as a sign instructed me to do. I wait until I'm second to see what is happening. I notice a male peacekeeper roughly grab the girl's arm in front of me, who I recognize as Nyla Stone, and sticks a needle in her index finger. Nyla winces in pain before the peacekeeper tells her what to do.

Nyla nods and walks to a pen in the middle of the square. The peacekeeper does the same thing to me and I sigh. I walk to the 18 - year old males pen and wait. I look around for Quorra and don't see her. I sigh once again and look forward.

She meant it.

Mayor McKynley walks onto the stage. He looks at a pair of flash cards, probably with what he is supposed to say, and clears his throat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Today is the day in which we will select the two tributes that will District Two, in which they shall fight for their lives and their districts to win the first annual Hunger Games. I'm happy to be here and so should each of you be too. Some time ago, our nation had to stand earthquakes, floods and storms, but we were strong and our country originated from the ashes. But then, the Capitol and it's thirteen districts, which are surrounding it, grew and the districts rebelled. So the capitol had to defeat this rebellion and district thirteen was destroyed. So that anything like that will never happen again, we invented the Hunger Games. Each of the 12 districts has to offer a boy and a girl in the age of 12 and 18. I hope that one day our children can live together in peace and without violence. Now I wish good luck to the districts and it's tributes!" Mayor McKynley states. He nods at a woman sitting behind him and walks offstage.

The woman gets up and my jaw drops. The woman onstage is wearing... bubbles? She is wearing a dress that goes to her mid thigh that is made of opaque colored bubbles. Her hair looks like it is made out of bubbles that are opaque pink. Her skin is pale, I mean pale! Almost transparent! Her head is triangular with almond, pink colored eyes attached to it. The woman also has a button nose. Her body has few curves, but is skinny.

"Hello District Two! I am Emiliya Navarre and I will be your escort for the First Hunger Games!" The woman, who's name seems to be Emiliya, explains.

"I will be having the honor of selecting the tributes that will be representing District Two for this year! Now, I know they will make all of us proud! Anyways, I have a video straight from the Capitol!" Emiliya chirps. Emiliya puts a finger on her earlobe and nods. The video begins.

War, terrible war.

Widows, orphans, a motherless child.

This was the uprising that rocked our land.

Thirteen districts rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, protected them.

Brother turned on brother until nothing remained.

And then came the peace, hard fought, sorely won.

A people rose up from the ashes and a new era was born.

But freedom has a cost.

When the traitors were defeated, we swore as a nation we would never know this treason again.

And so it was decreed that, each year, the various districts of Panem would offer up, in tribute, one young man and woman to fight to the death in a pageant of honor, courage and sacrifice. The lone victor, bathed in riches, would serve as a reminder of our generosity and our forgiveness.

This is how we remember our past.

This is how we safeguard our future.

I look at Emiliya to see her eyes close and to see her nodding.

"That video is a true work of art. Anyways, let's get on to the selection of the tributes!" Emiliya claps her hands and looks in the crowd. Noone is clapping. Emiliya sighs.

"Ladies first!" A peacekeeper walks up to Emiliya and whispers in her ear.

"I'm getting word that there is already a female tribute. So we will select the male then introduce her." Emiliya states. She then walks over to the bowl on the right and digs her hand in. She pulls out a slip and moves the the middle stage. "Mayson Quartz!" Emiliya calls. I stand in shock. Everyone around me moves away. I glare daggers at every one of them.

I walk to the stage and stand to the right of the Capitol escort. I look on the back to see my mom on the floor bauling her eyes out.

"Age, honey?" Emiliya asks. "Eighteen" I reply. Emiliya nods and looks back to the crowd.

"Now, the female tribute was caught trying to escape the district. The peacekeepers decided to let her go into the games. Which I personally don't find as a punishment because the games are a big honor." The peacekeepers bring onstage a girl with chocolate hair and same colored eyes. Her skin is fair with her cheeks rosy red. Her eyes are glaring daggers at everyone until she sees me. I recognize her immediately.

Hey guys! The second reapings are finally complete! What do you think of Quorra and Mayson?! Guess what! This is now the longest story I've every written! Now there are two reapings done, eleven left! Fox out!

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